Monster Hit Wannabe ($529)
20.000 unit Nexus One resmi pindah tangan di minggu pertama penjualannya. Analis memperkirakan di akhir tahun 2010, lebih kurang 3 juta unit Nexus One akan tersebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
Apa yang membuat Nexus One begitu special sehingga banyak orang berpendapat bahwa Nexus One akan menjadi monster hit, sementara sudah berdiri kukuh Apple iPhone, dan pemain lama, Palm yang baru-baru ini unjuk kebolehan lewat Palm Pre miliknya.
Nama Google sebagai salah satu raksasa jagad maya, diyakini menjadi daya tarik yang menarik penikmat gadget menantikan smartphone dengan system operasi Android ini.
Secara kasat mata, Nexus One tidak ubahnya produk rekaan HTC Hero, atau mungkin HTC Magic. Kode sandi produksinya sendiri diberi label HTC Passion. Jadi bukan sebuah kebetulan jika bentuk dasarnya tidak berbeda jauh dengan seri-seri HTC lainnya. Hanya saja, khusus Nezus One, baik dari rancangan hingga merknya dibuat oleh Google sendiri.
Melihat spesifikasinya, Google memang berniat untuk tenggelam dalam persaingan pasar smartphone. Mulai dari layar sentuh berteknologi AMOLED dengan diagonal 3.7 inci yang sudah mendukung multi touch, hingga kemampuan untuk mengurangi bisingnya suara ketika Anda berkomunikasi. Termasuk diantarannya adalah kemampuan untuk mengubah suara menjadi teks. Tentu saja, masih banyak fitur lain yang sejatinya akan menjadi nilai tambah Nexus One.
Agar semua fiturnya berlari sempurna, sebuah prosesor Snapdragon bertenaga 1 GHz pun disematkan. Memorinya menggunakan jenis DRAM dengan kapasitas 512 MB, Anda bisa menggunakan kartu memori eksternal maksimal 32GB. Untuk merekam gambar baik itu diam ataupun bergerak, sebuah kamera dengan resolusi 5 Megapiksel bisa Anda maksimalkan. Konektifitas tanpa kabel juga lengkap, baik Wi-Fi maupun Bluetooth sudah dibenamkan kedalamnya. Ada lebih dari 20.000 aplikasi sudah bisa diakses melalui situs Android Market. Rencananya, masih di tahun ini, HTC akan merilis Nexus One yang mendukung jaringan CDMA.
Nexus One
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Diposkan oleh
7:34 AM
Pop Is Dead
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Oh no, pop is dead, long live pop
It died an ugly death by back-catalogue
And now you know it gets you nowhere
And now you know, you realize
Oh no, pop is dead, it just gave up
We raised the dead but they won't stand up
And radio has salmonella
And now you know you're gonna die
He left this message for us
So what pop is dead, it's no great loss
So many facelifts, his face flew off
The emperor really has no clothes on
And his skin is peeling off
Oh no, pop is dead, long live pop,
One final line of coke to jack him off
Jack him off
He left this message for us
He left this message for us
He's dead, He's dead, Pop is dead
He's dead, He's dead, Pop is dead
He's dead, He's dead, Pop is dead
Diposkan oleh
8:53 AM
We Suck Young Blood
Are you hungry?
Are you sick?
Are you begging for a break?
Are you sweet?
Are you fresh?
Are you strung up by the wrists?
(Fois-gras style)
We want the young blood.
Are you fracturing?
Are you torn at the seams?
Would you do anything?
Flea-bitten? Motheaten?
We suck young blood.
Won't let the creeping ivy
Won't let the nervous bury me
Our veins are thin
Our rivers poisoned
We want the sweet meats.
We want the young blood.
We suck young blood.
We want the young blood.
Diposkan oleh
8:52 AM
Subterranian Homesick Alien
The breath of the morning,
I keep forgetting
The smell of the warm summer air.
I live in a town
Where you can't smell a thing,
You watch your feet
For cracks in the pavement.
Up above, aliens hover
Making home movies for the folk back home.
Of all these weird creatures who lock up their spirits,
Drill holes in themselves and live for their secrets.
They're all...
I wish that they'd swoop down, in a country lane,
Late at night when I'm driving.
Take me onboard their beautiful ship, show me the world as I'd love to see it.
I'd tell all my friends but they'd never believe me
They'd think that I'd finally lost it completely.
I'd show them the stars, and the meaning of life.
They'd shut me away, but I'd be alright.
I'm just...
Diposkan oleh
8:51 AM
Karma police
Karma police, arrest this man
He talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge
He's like a detuned radio
Karma police, arrest this girl
Her Hitler hairdo is
Making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party
This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with us
Karma Police
I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll
This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with us
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
For for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
For for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
In the early version, the first verse went:
Karma police arrest this girl
She stares at me
As if she owns the world and
We have crashed her party
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8:49 AM
True Love Waits by Radiohead
I'll drown my beliefs
To have you be in peace
I'll dress like your niece
To wash your swollen feet
Just don't leave, don't leave
And true love waits
In haunted attics
And true love wins
On lollipops and crisps
Just don't leave, don't leave
I'm not living
I'm just killing time
Your tiny hands
Your crazy kiss and smile
Just lonely, lonely..
Just lonely, lonely..
Diposkan oleh
8:48 AM
Planet Telex by Radiohead
You can force it but it will not come
You can taste it but it will not form
You can crush it but it's always here
You can crush it but it's always near
Chasing you home saying
Everything is broken
Everyone is broken
You can force it but it will stay stung
You can crush it as dry as a bone
You can walk it home straight from school
You can kiss it, you can break all the rules
But still...
Everything is broken
Everyone is broken
Everyone is, everyone is broken
Everyone is, everything is broken
Why can't you forget?
Why can't you forget?
Why can't you forget?
Diposkan oleh
8:47 AM
Kid A by Radiohead
I slipped away
I slipped on a little white lie
We've got heads on sticks
You've got ventriloquists
We've got heads on sticks
You've got ventriloquists
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Rats and children follow me out of town
Rats and children follow me out of their homes
Watch it.
Diposkan oleh
8:47 AM