Before you call a speaking bureau, do some research to determine which ones match your goals. Just as two snowflakes aren't alike, it's the same with speakers bureaus.
Your best plan (and you'll discover if they are truly interested in you) is to invite the right bureaus to come to a program. Afterwards, go into schmooze mode - take their representatives for lunch or a drink afterwards.
Each of these bureaus is a way for you to get more paid bookings. So the trick is to deal with each bureau individually.
Instead of simply mailing impersonal flyers or press kits, call each bureau first. Call some time in the late afternoon to find out if your market, fees, and topic match the clients of the bureau. Get your information together first so that you can make the phone call quick and efficient.
Use Your Phone Call Time
1. First, find out if the bureau specializes in a certain area. Some bureaus deal with celebrities, sport's figures, or only authors.
2. Talk to the representative about your market, topic, and fees. Some bureaus only work with speakers who are within a certain price range. Don’t ask for the names of clients. If you want to see who they "truly represent," go to their site and scan the categories. More important, you should find out if what you speak on suits the types of clients the bureau works with.
3. Make sure the bureau knows if you’ve worked with another bureau. Believe it or not, bureaus speak to their competitors. They all tend to know one another, and yes, your old bureau can be a good reference for you.
4. If the bureau matches your topic and fees, ask for permission to send them your materials. Inform them of what you will be sending – content sheets, fee schedules, presentation folders, etc. and ask them if there is anything else they need.
5. Be friendly to the bureau ethic by letting them know you’re willing to be part of a team. Inform them that YOU are going to do everything you can to make THEIR bureau look great in the eyes of the CLIENT.
6. Let the bureau know that they can always expect professional behavior from you. They get scared with speakers they have never worked with before. Show them that you will always deliver and that satisfaction is guaranteed!
7. Get to know the bureau’s requirements. They’ll only work for you by invitation, and you will have to go over a contract with them. Most often a bureau will want to see you speak in person before they’ll contract you.
8. A good way to get to know bureaus is to call leads into those you want to work with. Oh, do speaker's bureaus love this. Who wouldn't? You're giving them a chance to earn their 20-25% commission.
9. Make sure you update all your bureaus regularly. Be proactive with your bureau and let them know you are going to arm them with the materials THEY need to promote you. Send a monthly booking schedule and newsletters, and include any new articles written by or about you.
10. Again, do your research. Find out about the owners of the bureaus you’re interested in. Contact the owners with articles you’ve written and postcards from the places you’re speaking. It takes time, but it’s worth building a relationship with bureau owners. Each relationship could turn into tons of potential speaking contracts for you.
11. Always treat bureau representatives respectfully. Don’t nag or use foul language on the phone or in person. Bureaus have tons of choice in speakers on every topic, and they want to know you’ll treat their clients well. Each bureau looks not only for talent and specific topics but also for the ability to work on a team.
12. Remember that bureaus only ever work on commission. They have a big overhead…
One last note: When you work with a speaker agent, they represent YOU. YOU are their focus. A speaker bureau deals with LOADS of speakers. I hate to say this -- but you are a commodity to them that they are selling, that's it. They represent the client's best needs, not yours. If you know that going in, then you won't be thrown by anything else in the relationship. In other words, they are looking out for their own best interests!
Your best plan (and you'll discover if they are truly interested in you) is to invite the right bureaus to come to a program. Afterwards, go into schmooze mode - take their representatives for lunch or a drink afterwards.
Each of these bureaus is a way for you to get more paid bookings. So the trick is to deal with each bureau individually.
Instead of simply mailing impersonal flyers or press kits, call each bureau first. Call some time in the late afternoon to find out if your market, fees, and topic match the clients of the bureau. Get your information together first so that you can make the phone call quick and efficient.
Use Your Phone Call Time
1. First, find out if the bureau specializes in a certain area. Some bureaus deal with celebrities, sport's figures, or only authors.
2. Talk to the representative about your market, topic, and fees. Some bureaus only work with speakers who are within a certain price range. Don’t ask for the names of clients. If you want to see who they "truly represent," go to their site and scan the categories. More important, you should find out if what you speak on suits the types of clients the bureau works with.
3. Make sure the bureau knows if you’ve worked with another bureau. Believe it or not, bureaus speak to their competitors. They all tend to know one another, and yes, your old bureau can be a good reference for you.
4. If the bureau matches your topic and fees, ask for permission to send them your materials. Inform them of what you will be sending – content sheets, fee schedules, presentation folders, etc. and ask them if there is anything else they need.
5. Be friendly to the bureau ethic by letting them know you’re willing to be part of a team. Inform them that YOU are going to do everything you can to make THEIR bureau look great in the eyes of the CLIENT.
6. Let the bureau know that they can always expect professional behavior from you. They get scared with speakers they have never worked with before. Show them that you will always deliver and that satisfaction is guaranteed!
7. Get to know the bureau’s requirements. They’ll only work for you by invitation, and you will have to go over a contract with them. Most often a bureau will want to see you speak in person before they’ll contract you.
8. A good way to get to know bureaus is to call leads into those you want to work with. Oh, do speaker's bureaus love this. Who wouldn't? You're giving them a chance to earn their 20-25% commission.
9. Make sure you update all your bureaus regularly. Be proactive with your bureau and let them know you are going to arm them with the materials THEY need to promote you. Send a monthly booking schedule and newsletters, and include any new articles written by or about you.
10. Again, do your research. Find out about the owners of the bureaus you’re interested in. Contact the owners with articles you’ve written and postcards from the places you’re speaking. It takes time, but it’s worth building a relationship with bureau owners. Each relationship could turn into tons of potential speaking contracts for you.
11. Always treat bureau representatives respectfully. Don’t nag or use foul language on the phone or in person. Bureaus have tons of choice in speakers on every topic, and they want to know you’ll treat their clients well. Each bureau looks not only for talent and specific topics but also for the ability to work on a team.
12. Remember that bureaus only ever work on commission. They have a big overhead…
One last note: When you work with a speaker agent, they represent YOU. YOU are their focus. A speaker bureau deals with LOADS of speakers. I hate to say this -- but you are a commodity to them that they are selling, that's it. They represent the client's best needs, not yours. If you know that going in, then you won't be thrown by anything else in the relationship. In other words, they are looking out for their own best interests!
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