Organically Grow your Company with a GSA Contract

Thursday, March 20, 2014

All of the economic experts agree, we are currently in a recession. It came fast, and many US companies are struggling to keep their doors open as a result. There are some ways to recession proof your business, so when the tough times come, your company is guarded. Lets start by asking ourselves "how has the economy gotten out of recessions in the past?"
While the commercial sector is going into a recession, the federal market is nearly recession proof, immune to economic slowdown because billions of dollars have been appropriated and budgeted long before a recession starts. A federal stimulation of the economy has been the answer to a recession in the past, and it is today. Since the federal government controls the stimulus, you need to make your company their premier business partner. This is done by acquiring your GSA Contract for the schedule or schedules your company fit into.
To add government business to your company's portfolio with a GSA Contract makes good business sense. The government arena is an ideal source for you to find additional sales and balanced growth. A GSA Contract is a pre-negotiated price agreement between a business and the federal government. In exchange for getting on schedule with a GSA Contract, a company is rewarded by the government with nearly exclusive access to bid and win government contracting projects.
Whether your company offers services or products, there is likely a GSA Schedule for you. There is a substantial list of GSA Schedules. A GSA Contract can stimulate sales for your business when they are difficult to find, giving your business the edge in these hard times.
With a GSA Contract your small business can add $100,000 in sales over the next two years, and after that the sky is the limit. It is smart to work with a GSA Contract Service Company, because they have been through the process. Many businesses try to acquire a GSA Contract in house and two years later they still don't have a GSA Contract.
It is vital to get your GSA Contract fast, however, because the process can take as long as 6 months for a professional, and a novice even longer. If you don't start the process soon the recession will be over, but not to worry, because government contracting will never end.

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