Anda sering ketinggalan laptop ketika hendak mempresentasikan sesuatu ke klien? Bila ya, maka perangkat unik lansiran RIM ini harus Anda miliki. Alat yang diberi nama BlackBerry Presenter ini bias digunakan untuk membaca file presentasi yang ada di dalam BlackBerry Anda kemudian akan disinkronisasikan ke perangkat proyektor. Akan tetapi sangat disayangkan alat ini tidak kompatibel dengan BlackBerry Curve 8300 dan BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8200. Anda tertarik? Tunggu kehadirannya pada bulan Februari dengan Harga US$ 199
BlackBerry Presenter
Friday, April 30, 2010
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9:57 AM
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FP8
Folded Optic Camera
Baru saja Panasonic meluncurkan kamera berjenis folded optic atau lensa zoom yang tidak menonjol keluar, alias pergerakan lensa sepenuhnya di dalam kamera. Kamera jenis ini menarik karena tidak ada elemen lensa yang menonjol ke depan yang beresiko terbentur atau terkena debu. Kualitas gambar hebat dari Panasonic DMC-FP8 bisa dilihat dari fitur pendukungnya berupa sensor 12.1 megapixel, lensa wide 28mm dan 4.6x Leica DC optic. Dibuat dari bahan alumunium ringan dan sangat tipis memberikan desain keren yang cocok untuk gaya Anda.
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8:51 AM
Canon EOS 3D
High End SLR
Teknologi yang diusung Canon 1 D Mark IV sempat membuat terpana para fotografer professional dengan fiturnya yang luar biasa. Namun kehebatannya itu membuat kekosongan kelas diantara 1 D Mark IV dengan 5D Mark II. Karena itu Canon EOS 3D dikabarkan akan menjadi SLR dengan spesifikasi antara kedua SLR kelas tinggi ini. Jika benar, EOS 3D akan memiliki prosesor baru dengan DIGIC V, resolusi 16.7 megapixel, dukungan video 1080p dan kecepatan Continous Drive yang lebih cepaat dari 5D mark II. Sedangkan bodi dari SLR ini kabarnya mirip dengan 5D Mark II.
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8:04 AM
Casio Exilim EX-FH100
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hihg Speed Camera
EX-FH100 merupakan kamera Casio terbaru dari seri Exilim paling cepat yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur menarik seperti resolusi 10 megapixel, lensa wide angel 24mm dan 10x optical zoom. Semua fitur tersebut dibungkus dalam bodi mungil yang bisa Anda bawa kemana saja sengan mudah tanpa harus menyediakan tempat khusus. Kamera high speed ini mampu menghasilkan continous shot 40 frame per detik dengan ukuran image maksimum 9 megapiksel. Jika Anda menginginkan rekaman video halus, EX-F100 mampu menghasilkan 1,000 frame per detik.
Diposkan oleh
6:50 AM
The Real Kings!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Jakarta pagi itu tampak sendu. Sekumpulan awan abu-abu menggelayut di langit ibukota, sedangkan barisan kendaraan di jalan Thamrin yang terlihat dari jendela gedung tampak berjalan lamban. Esquire sedang menunggu kehadiran tiga sosok yang direncanakan menjalani sesi pemotretan untuk edisi spesial ulang tahun yang ketiga.
Tiga nama dipilih karena kapasitasnya di kancah musik Indonesia. Ditempa banyak pengalaman, diselingi jatuh bangun demi menjaga eksistensi, bergonta-ganti personel band, serta mengarungi berlapis era dan tren musik. Hingga kini grup yang dinaungi ketiga "manusia pilihan" ini tetap berdiri tegar. Pesan yang mereka usung dalam bait lirik bersifat universal mulai dari soal cinta bermacam dimensi, kritik sosial, kepedulian terhadap sesama hingga urusan spiritual menyusup ke dalam hati penikmat musik Indonesia. Satu hal, menyatukan ketiga sosok berkarakter kuat ini dan mengulik beragam sisi pribadi masing-masing memang bukan perkara mudah.
Babak Pertama...
Armand datang paling pagi. Ia memang terkenal on time...
ESQ (ESQUIRE): Beberapa artis mengumbar rencana go international, bagaimana pemahaman go international menurut Anda?
Armand: Bagi gue pemahaman tentang go international, yang paling betul adalah Anggun C. Sasmi. Pindah ke negara tempat industri musik itu berada. Harus pindah ke negara itu, kalau nggak pindah sih bullshit. Makanya lucu misalnya ketika Gigi tur di Amerika Serikat, tiba-tiba di infotainment langsung keluar berita “GIGI go international.” Padahal dari Gigi tidak bicara begitu. Itu sih namanya bukan go international, tapi kita jalan-jalan sambil show. Karena go international tidak segampang itu. Jadi kalau memang mau go international, yang paling betul seperti Anggun. Benar-benar tinggal di sana, dan akhirnya Anggun berhasil. Itu pun menurut gue selain talenta bagus juga mesti punya keberuntungan.
ESQ: Soal bongkar pasang personel?
Armand: Kalau gue, Budjana dan Thomas yang masih tergabung di GIGI berpikiran itu hanya hukum alam saja. Memang harusnya seperti itu, mau apa lagi. Karena tidak mungkin seseorang ingin keluar dari “rumah” terus gue tahan. Malah bisa jadi ribut. Karena alasan dia keluar kuat, mungkin visi musiknya sudah beda. Gue yakin jika dibiarkan bisa mempengaruhi secara keseluruhan. Musik itu rasa. Bagaimana bisa menciptakan sebuah karya yang mewakili perasaan, sementara loe sudah merasa tidak nyaman di suatu grup. Akan terdengar seperti ada satu bagian yang outside sendiri. Makanya musik itu memang rasa.
ESQ: Isu yang menghambat kemajuan industri musik Indonesia?
Armand: Pembajakan sebenarnya iya. Situasinya gawat. Fisik sekarang sudah habis, benar-benar berpegang pada RBT dan penjualan digital. Tapi dalam digital, lebih mudah untuk membajaknya. Akhirnya mengubah peta musik Indonesia saat ini. Dulu kita beli album band, karena ingin mendapat semuanya. Dengan fisik sudah habis karena pembajakan, akhirnya muncul RBT. Nah, durasinya kan cuma 30 detik, hanya bagian reff. Itu yang mengakibatkan banyak muncul band instan. Dalam artian loe ciptakan saja melodi enak yang berdurasi segitu doang. Kalo dulu, mau menciptakan karya itu mesti detail karena satu kesatuan dari mulai musik sampai cover album. Akhirnya sekarang banyak musik yang gue bilang nggak punya feel, kasarnya “lebih mengejar setoran”.
ESQ: Menurut Anda, seberapa besar pengaruh umur dengan kematangan suatu band dalam bermusik?
Armand: Dengan bertambahnya usia sebuah grup band, otomatis biasanya akan lebih dewasa menyikapi situasi musik pada saat itu. Karena sudah mengalami banyak kejadian. Misalnya di panggung sudah menemui event organizer yang oke, kampungan atau sedang-sedang saja. Banyak pelajaran dari situ. Semua kejadian itu mendewasakan grup band tersebut. Grup-grup yang sudah lama ada biasanya akan lebih dewasa menyikapi situasi yang ada di industri musik. Contohnya mengenai playback pada acara musik setiap pagi di berbagai stasiun TV nasional. Di jejaring sosial Twitter banyak yang mengamuk dan mengajukan protes, bilang cara itu tidak kreatif atau kelihatan tidak bagus. Yang fans sejati sih cuek saja. Kalau kita sudah pernah melewati masa-masa itu sejak era TVRI dulu. Intinya kita enjoy saja dengan tren musik sekarang.
Diposkan oleh
7:09 AM
Kiki Amalia Jadi Juru Kampanye Bagi Paman
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Artis Kiki Amalia kini tengah aktif berkampanye untuk sebuah pencalonan. Salah satu keluarganya kini sedang berebut posisi Ketua Umum sebuah partai besar, yakni Partai Demokrat. Dirinya pun mengaku hanya memberikan dukungan tanpa mau ikut dicalonkan untuk menjadi anggota partai.
"Kalau untuk tim sukses sih banyak ya. Sayangnya sudah keduluan tuh. Aku sudah menjadi tim sukses sebuah partai, aku lagi membantu Om-ku untuk menjadi orang No. 1 di Partai Demokrat," ujar Kiki saat ditemui di peluncuran album Emil di Planet Hollywood, Jakarta, Jumat (23/4) malam lalu.
Diakui oleh Kiki kalau sebenarnya dirinya tak terlalu tertarik terjun ke dunia politik. Namun meski begitu, mantan kekasih Hengky Kurniawan ini mengaku sedang dalam tahap pembelajaran berpolitik.
"Aku memang belum tertarik ke dunia politik. Tapi politik di keluargaku memang sangat kental sekali. Aku pernah diajarin politik. Kebetulan juga keluargaku banyak yang dari kalangan politik," ujarnya.
Lalu, adakah tawaran yang pernah diterima oleh Kiki dalam jangka dekat ini? Sudah ada sih, sebulan yang lalu. Kalau partainya sih masih rahasia ya. Yang pasti ini untuk regenerasi," ujar Kiki.
Kiki Amalia
Diposkan oleh
8:58 AM
Jupe Akan Jalani Proses Seleksi Partai Hanura
Minggu, 25 April 2010 14:25
Artis Julia Perez yang mendaftar sebagai calon wakil bupati Pacitan masih akan menjalani seleksi ketat untuk bisa lolos dan maju dalam pemilihan kepala daerah, kata Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat, Wiranto.
"Julia Perez (Jupe) baru dalam proses mendaftar di Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura) dan masih akan diseleksi. Namun, semua orang sudah ribut seakan-akan Jupe sudah lolos dan diterima sebagai calon wakil bupati Pacitan, Jawa Timur," katanya di Yogyakarta, Sabtu (24/4).
Oleh karena itu, menurut dia di sela Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Partai Hanura Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), pencalonan Jupe sebagai Wakil Bupati Pacitan belum tentu lolos.
Ia mengatakan, Hanura menilai calon kepala daerah atau pemimpin tidak hanya dari popularitas dan kualitas intelektual, tetapi juga akhlak dan moral yang mengedepankan hati nurani dalam memimpin.
"Dalam pencalonan kepala daerah, Hanura memosisikan diri sebagai partai terbuka. Dalam hal ini semua orang memiliki hak yang sama, tidak terkecuali untuk artis maupun orang biasa, agar dapat ikut 'terjun' dalam kancah politik," katanya.
Menurut dia, siapapun yang mencalonkan Bupati, Walikota, dan Gubernur atau wakilnya silakan mendaftar, Hanura tidak bisa menolak. Namun, setelah mendaftar akan ada seleksi ketat bagi para calon kepala daerah.
"Dalam proses pendaftaran dan seleksi calon kepala daerah, Hanura telah memiliki tim khusus untuk melakukan pemantauan dan penilaian terhadap kapasitas dan kemampuan dari masing-masing calon," katanya.
Ia mengatakan, Hanura mempunyai tim seleksi dari pusat yang akan ikut memberikan penilaian dan pertimbangan terhadap calon kepala daerah.
"Semua calon kepala daerah akan melalui proses tahapan yang sama. Jadi, bukan hanya Jupe, karena artis tersebut hanya satu dari puluhan calon yang ikut mendaftar," katanya.
Julia Peres
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8:52 AM
Secrets of Business Success
Starting a business and turning it into a success story is not an easy task. There is a huge difference between starting a business and developing a successful business. Usually, the initial stages in business always lack something or the other and are never a success, but later when we come across to the recent development and changes in the patterns of business, we start implementing various strategies which turn our losses into profit and it becomes easier for us to reinvent our business into a successful profit making organization.
There are some factors that play a key role in business success. They are, planning, organizing, staffing, managing and controlling. Lack of planning can make your business face a long term loss. All those who have stepped in the business world and want to adopt strategies to turn their business into a success and maximize profit rather than facing unusual loses, will be glad to implement the following guidelines and tips for long term business success.
If you are planning to set-up a small business, then you are likely to miss few things that are obstructing your path of business success. Planning the right things at the right time is crucially important in making your business a success.
1. Boost the number of customers from the existing numbers.
2. Concentrate more on customer needs and make plans for their fulfillments and satisfaction.
3. Boost the amount of money they spend on your products.
4. Increase the number of times they buy your products and eventually make plans for increasing your profits.
5. Release quality products that will provide customers with enchanting advantages.
Running a successful business is all about making things different than your competitors; you need to be alert about the recent changes in the market conditions before making any changes in your business. These few changes and differences, if made and considered can prove to be enough to capture business from your usual competitors in the market. However, whether your set up is small or large, whether it is new or growing, its needs to be effective. Being effective means being different, choosing right guidelines and creating an impact by whatever you plan. Starting up a business is a long term journey and you have to identify and overcome obstacles and face the roadblocks that block your way.
How to turn your Business into a long term business success
1. Increase Self-awareness: Notice, observe and face the obstacles. Instead of giving up the long term investment, choose right techniques and actions to increase the level of effectiveness in your business.
2. Planning: Planning is one of the crucial features to plan various activities associated and related with your business, this will be a contributing factor towards business success. Planning should be given primary importance.
3. Determine your level of Profit: In any kind of business set-up, profit is the ultimate goal. The level of profit maximization and earning should be fixed in a manner that can turn out to be beneficial for both producers and consumers. Concentrating on incurred expenses and costs, overhead costs without the reduction in quality should be given prime consideration.
Secrets of Business Success
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8:24 AM
Tips for Firing Employees
Firing an employee means terminating his services from the organization as per the decision taken by the management. Generally firing an employee is not an easy task, it is also an unpleasant experience to do so. However, most of the time it becomes necessary for an organization to terminate the services of a group of employees or a particular employee due to some unavoidable circumstances. There need to be genuine reasons for doing so, as there are certain legal aspects and laws that need to be followed thoroughly before taking any such decision. There should be a genuine reason provided by the employer before terminating an employee's services.
You can fire an employee if he is an underperformer, if you find no signs of improvements even after repeated feed backs, or in cases where the employee does something that is against the rules and regulations of an organization. Here are two very importantl tips for firing employees:
1. First of the tips for firing employees is to make them aware of their shortcomings and giving them opportunities to improve. Whenever you realize that a specific employee is not performing according to the set standards, first thing you need to do is make him aware of the same and try to help him to perform well. If still he is not able to do so, check if any kind of training is required. Give him the required training, if you see no improvements in his performance even after all these efforts, you can give him verbal warning, making him aware of his underperformance. If still he continues in the same inefficient way you have all the rights to fire him but it should be done in a proper and professional manner.
2. Another of the important tips for firing employees is to make sure that at the time of joining the organization, the employee has signed the employment agreement (Offer letter) in which the hiring terms as well the nature of the employment is mentioned clearly.
3. You must have all the polices documented clearly either in the official handbook or in a form stating what is expected and what is not, from the employee at the time of hiring him.
4. When it comes to firing an employee who is an underperformer you must have all the documents intact to prove that he is an underperformer, such as performance or appraisal data, warning letters given to the employee regarding the performance and so forth. This is one of the very important tips for firing employees.
5. It is not always necessary to mention a reason for firing an employee but make sure that there should be a firm and valid reason for firing the person.
6. You must have the entire paperwork ready before starting the process of firing an employee, all the documents like leave schedule, payment details, attendance sheet etc.
7. You must not delay the process once you have made the decision to fire an employee. You must do it as quickly as possible as it might de-motivate the other staff members. You must always keep this of the must know tips for firing employees.
8. Before firing or terminating and employee, there must always be a back up plan, so that the work doesn't get stuck. Therefore, you must hire a replacement for him or get the work distributed amongst the other team members.
9. Make sure that you treat the individual who is terminated with respect. Try not to disclose the termination as much as possible.
10. Many times it's seen that the employee who is fired gets frustrated and he can come down to an argument with you but you must always try to be away from it and try your best not to get into argument with him. Remember this particular tip from tips for firing employees to avoid unnecessary stress.
11. Before firing an employee one must consider all the aspects and should try utmost to retain him, basically considering whatever time and efforts he has put into the organization.
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8:16 AM
Tips for Managing your Business During a Recession
The recession is the toughest period for all businesses, but there are few things that you can do, in order to help your business get out of the difficult period really quickly. To make that happen, the best thing to do is to follow some of the tips that are mentioned below. These tips are really going to help you in managing your business during a recession in a better way.
* The main thing for managing your business during a recession is to follow the golden rule of the process - 80 to 20. This means that you get 80% of your income from 20% of your customers. For example, if you can make it happen, you will easily keep your income at the same level and you will also preserve the products or services that you are offering.
* Change the mix of products that you are offering. Remember that during recession, most of the people avoid buying luxurious items, so you should remove them from your catalogue and concentrate on cheaper items. When managing your business during a period of recession, make sure that you will offer large variety of cheaper products, because that way you will earn more.
* Another very useful tip for managing your business during a recession is to get the best from your marketing team. Make sure that you will negotiate as hard as possible for marketing, because that is the best way to get the best from the resources that you have. During the recession, make sure that you will not cut down on your marketing expenses, because if you do it, you might end up reducing your customer base.
* The main thing that you should remember about managing your business during a recession is that you should make everything possible to retain your existing customer base. During that period of time, you will probably not have a lot of new customers, so you should simply not loose your existing ones. Furthermore, during the recession, you may offer your existing clients a lot of discounts, which will strengthen your bond with them.
* Reduce the amount of money that you pay to your employees. Although, it sounds really bad, this is one of the best solutions for managing your business during a recession. However, you may simply offer those employees, who are working on full-time contracts, to start working on part time ones. Furthermore, remember that you should make everything possible to keep your best employees on full-time contracts, because that is the best way to make them stay in your company and realize their potential. Make sure that you will not loose any of your employees, because they are the backbone of your company and without them, the work process will not be the same.
* Reduce the waste that your business is producing. There are many consumables that you can save from. Calculate you savings annually rather than daily, because that way you will see the whole picture. For example, if you save $50 daily, you will saving $18000 annually, which is a substantial saving during recession.
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8:09 AM
Tips for Running a Virtual Business
Today, the internet is best place where you can start a successful business. However, if you do not know what you are supposed to do, you will probably fail. Therefore, here are some of the important tips that you should follow when running a virtual business:
* When you are running a virtual business, you will be working with people, who will usually be located on the other side of the earth. Although, this is very good opportunity to use the qualities of people all over the world, have in mind that they might speak different languages. The time zones will also be different all over the world. Therefore, when running a virtual business, make sure that you will establish proper communication with people you are working. You should be flexible enough to work during hours that might not be convenient for you but will be suitable for your other partners.
* Running a virtual business is all about relationships. Make sure that you will build such, because that way you will get the best from the people, who you are working with, no matter that, you will probably never meet him or her face-to-face. Remember, the fact that the relationships you will be establishing will be virtual does not mean that you must not treat them as if you are meeting with the person face-to-face.
* When running a virtual business, make sure that you will avoid the feeling of isolation among your employees. To avoid that, make sure that you will organize meetings regularly and also be online most of the time during the working day. You will be amazed by the results that you will get when you are running a virtual business this way.
* Spend some time and develop good working habits. That is the main thing that you should do, if you are running a virtual business, because that way you will get the best results possible. There are many ways that you can teach your employees, how to work at your online company, like for example using learning platforms. There are many applications that are specially created for the purpose, so the only thing that you will have to do is to purchase them. Furthermore, make sure that you will seek flexibility at your workplace, like for example through the use of laptops or other mobile devices.
* Finally, make sure that you will have faith in your employees. Although you will probably never see your employees in person, this does not mean that you must not do everything possible to develop proper working relationship. Make sure that you will communicate with all your employees frequently, because that way you will manage the work properly and your company will easily meet the deadlines for the projects.
* Running a virtual business, this do not means that you should not communicate and build relationship with your employees. Make sure that you will behave the same way, as you are running a land based business.
Internet business is different but only when it comes to the way you work and flexible working hours. It is however no different from brick and mortar business as far as handling your clients, employee motivation, communication etc is concerned.
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8:07 AM
ION Twin Video
Double Lens Camcorder
Jika ingin merekam aksi ekstrem yang begitu menegangkan sekaligus dengan ekspresi muka Anda tampak di dalamnya, Twin video bisa membantu Anda. Dengan dua lensa dan dua mic yang ditempatkan pada bagian depan dan belakang, Anda dapat merekam dua kejadian pada sisi yang berbeda pada saat bersamaan.
Anda pun kini tidak perlu repot lagi mengedit dikomputer untuk menggabungkan dua video menjadi satu. Meski bisa digunakan untuk merekam dua gambar sekaligus, Twin Video juga tetap bisa digunakan hanya untuk merekam satu gambar, seperti camcorder pada umumnya. Selain itu, Twin Video juga bisa digunakan dalam bentuk terpisah (split) ataupun pucture in picture.
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7:43 AM
Motorola Brute i680
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Motorola Brute i680
Ultra Rugged Mobile Phone($119)
Motorola Brute i680, ponsel baru dari Motorola yang mengkombinasikan ketahanan super tangguh dengan layanan push-to-talk terbaik di kelasnya dari Nextel Direct Connect. Motorola membuat ponsel untuk pemakaian dalam kondisi ekstrim alam, dalam menghadapi bencana atau juga dalam keadaan darurat. Bagaimana tidak, ponsel ini memiliki 10 ketahanan fisik standar spesifikasi militer 810F seperti: tahan banting, tahan getaran, anti debu, tahan cuaca ekstrim (panas dan dingin), tahan radiasi, tahan kelembapan, hujan badai, dan tekanan rendah.
Selain kuat, Motorola Brute I680 juga memiliki fitur-fitur keren layaknya ponsel high-end yang berdar di pasaran. Mulai dari layar 2.2. inci (dalam) dengan resolusi 176x 220 pixel, kamera 2MP yang dilengkapi dengan flash, Mp3 player, web browser, e-mail, Bluetooth, GPS, kartu memori internal 180MB serta slot kartu memori micro SD up to 8 GB.
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7:56 AM
Creative Sound Blaster Wow
Surround Gamming Experience
Anda termasuk fans berat dari World of WarCraft? Jika iya, maka piranti headset dari Creative ini layak Anda miliki.
Rancangannya cukup unik, karena di beberapa bagiannya disematkan corak khas dari Wow. Misalnya bagian luar speaker ditutup oleh casing transparan dengan gambar emblem dari ras yang ada dalam WoW. Casing ini bisa Anda ganti sesuai selera.
Performanya menjanjikan, suara peperangan bisa terdengar lebih bersih, dan detail. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena teknologi THX TruStudio PC yang dibenamkan Creative. Hasilnya adalah virtual speaker surround, dimana Anda bisa mendapatkan keluaran suara yang realistis. Mikrofonnya dibekali dengan teknilogi noise-cancelling, sangat membantu ketika Anda melakukan percakapan dengan gamer lain. Jika dirasa menggangu, mikrofon ini bisa Anda lepas.
Headset ini bisa dihubungkan ke PC dengan dua cara. Pertama, Anda bisa menggunakan konektor USB 2.0. Sementara cara kedua melalui USB Wireless Transmitter. Jika dibandingkan, kualitas suara yang dihasilkan lebih matang melalui konektor USB 2.0.
Dalam paket penjualannya, Creative menyertakan software WoW Audio Control Panel. Lewat software ini selain mengkustomisasi audio, Anda juga dapat mengatur pancaran warna lampu yang terdapat dibagian dalam casing transparan. Software ini bisa digunakan pada PC dan Mac.
Driver Units 40 mm
Neodymium Magnet
Frequency Response
Impedance 32 ohms
SPL (1kHz) 112 dB
Microphone Type
Noise-Cancelling Condenser
Frequency Response
Impedance 2.2 kohms
Sensitivity@ 1khz -48 Dbv/Pa
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7:55 AM
Jawbone Icon
Intelligent Bluetooth Headset ($99.99)
Melalui koneksi barunya yang diberi label ICON, Jawbone telah dikenal sebagai Bluetooth headset dengan fitur andalan bernama Noise Assassin. Ya. Sebuah teknologi noise-eliminating yang diyakini setara dengan yang dimiliki pihak militer.
Dibandingkan dengan Prime, seri Jawbone sebelumnya, Icon memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil dan lebih nyaman. Beberapa fiturnya dibenahi. Icon menggunakan teknologi NoiseAssassin versi 2.5 yang telah dilengkapi dengan wind reduction. Sebelum disematakan ke dalam Icon fitur ini sudah melewati fase uji coba yang dilakukan di tengah peperangan. Desain speakernya ikut mengalami peromabakan, sehingga kualitas suara tambah jernih. Anda tidak perlu lagi repot mengatur volume ketika berbicara, karena Icon otomatis menyesuaikan suara yang masuk dalam zona nyaman, jika suara dari lawan bisara Anda terlalu keras, atau malah terlalu lemah.
Tidak ada lagi notifikasi “beep boop”, semua diganti dengan notifikasi vocal seperti “incoming call”, atau “you have four hours of talk time remaining” . Keenam seri Icon memiliki karakter suara yang berbeda. Anda bisa mengatur karakter suara yang diinginkan melalui MyTalk app store.
Bicara tentang MyTalk, ini adalah layanan yang disediakan Jawbone khusus bagi pengguna Icon. Meski hingga saat ini dibuat masih dalam tahap private beta, lewat MyTalk Anda dapat mengatur bahasa yang digunakan pada notifikasi vocal Icon. Ada tiga pilihan bahasa, mulai dari Perancis, Jerman dan Inggris. Beberapa kustomisasi lainnya masih belum bisa digunakan. Seperti MyTalk DialApps, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan voice dial dan voice to sms. Dan khusus bagi pengguna iPhone, Anda akan mendapatkan fitur special bernama visual battery meter. Fitur ini akan menampilkan kapasitas baterai dari Icon pada layar iPhone.
Jawbone ICON
Talk Time: Hingga 4,5 jam
Standby Time: Lebih dari 10 hari
Range : 10 meter
Charge : 80% dalam 35 menit, 100% charge kurang dari 1 jam
Weight : 8 gram
Fit : 7 earbud + 1 premium earloop
Accessories: AC Power adaptor, micro-USB
Supports Multipoint: Pairing hingga 8 gadget
Supports Bluetooth: 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate), 2.0, 1.2, 1.1
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7:52 AM
Apple iPad
Tablet Computer by Apple
Memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama seperti iPod, dengan ukuran display tiga kali lebih besar, dan piksel yang bertambah lima kali lipat. Ya, itulah iPad. Sebuah piranti teranyar dari raksasa Apple .
iPad memiliki layer dengan diagonal 9.7 inci, teknologi layar yang digunakannya adalah LED IPS(in plane switching). Dengan viewing angle hingga 1780, Anda bisa melihat iPad nyaris dari beragam sudut dengan kualitas gambar yang tidak berurang, baik itu ketajaman warna, maupun kontrasnya. Layar multi-touch iPad menerapkan teknologi yang dijumpai pada iPhone. Hanya saja, karena luas bertambah, Apple merancang ulang teknologi layar sentuhnya, sehingga jadi lebih akurat dan responsive.
Dibandingkan majalah cetak, iPad memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil. Beratnya kurang lebih 700gram dengan tebal 0.5 inci. Mengantisipasi luas layar yang bisa membuat baterai cepat habis, Apple mengguanakan baterai jenis lithium-polymer yang digunakan pada notebook Mac. Apple meyakini, bahwa baterai yang dibenamkan ke dalam iPad sanggup bertahan hingga 10 jam meski Anda sedang browsing melalui Wi-Fi, menonton film, dan mendengarkan musik dalam waktu bersamaan.
iPad rilis dalam dua versi. Seri pertama yang hadir adalah iPad yang dibekali dengan Wi-Fi. Sementara seri selanjutnya yang akan hadir adalah iPad yang memiliki Wi-Fi sekaligus 3G. Melengkapi koneksi nirkabel, Apple membenamkan teknologi Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR. Prosesor yang digunakannya adalah Apple A4 dengan tenaga 1 GHz. Kapasitas storage yang dimiliki iPad beragam, mulai dari 16, 32, dan 64 GB. Untuk mendukung fitur multimedia, Apple melengkapi iPad dengan speaker, mikrofon, dan jack untuk headphone.
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7:50 AM
Pioneer PRS series
Precise Audio Quality
Produsen Audio Video Pioneer menghadirkan 4 produk audio video seri PRS terbarunya. Yaitu PRS- A900, PRS-D4200F, PRS-D1200 SPL, dan PRS-D100. Keempat seri ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan terbaik serta teknologi yang inovatif, sehingga mampu memberikan reproduksi audio paling akurat. Masing-masing seri PRS yang dilengkapi dengan komponen audio DEX-P99RS ini memiliki keunggulan yang berbeda. PRS-A900 dan PRS-D4200F memiliki dual full range dan 4 channel dengan masing-masing power 50 wattdan 75 watt. Sementara PRS-D1200 SPL dan PRS-D1200 didukung dengan dua channel model mono dengan power 500 watt dan 400 watt. Seri PRS ini dibandrol dengan harga mulai dari $500 dan $1500.
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7:46 AM
iHome iP90
Your Home Speaker Solution
Dari sekian banyak ipod dock yang beredar tak banyak yang menawarkan kualitas speaker stereo cemerlang produk iP90 adalah salah satu produk keluaran iHome yang menawarkan speaker dengan kualitas stereo yang terjamin. Dengan dimensinya yang ringkas, iPod Dock iP90 bisa ditempatkan dimana saja pada rumah Anda. Tidak hanya itu, iP90 bisa dijadikan sebagai jam alarm sekaligus radio. Bahkan jam alarmnya dapat disinkronisasikan dari iPod atau iPhone ke dock ini dengan mudah. Desainnya yang telah disempurnakan nan multifungsi, iHome iP90 bahkan celah dinobatkan sebagai produk terbaik sepanjang tahun.
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7:41 AM
Toyota Welcomes New Vios
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Toyota-Astra Motor has brought the revamped version of New Vios to the people of Indonesia this month,capturing the hearts of those looking for a modern executive mini-sedan. Introduced in 2003,Vios has been an important player in the mini –sedan segment,with dynamic young executives as its main customers. With the relesase of the New Vios in 2007,the brand has managed to become a leader in its segment with 55 percent of market sales this year.
Dubbed a “ fuel saver and speed maker”,the revamped New Vios boosts its exterior quality with a new front grill design,as well as smart shop/start button,smart entry and steering switches for multimedia application,complete safety features and rear parking sonar. Under the hood is a new INZ-FE engine control system with VVT-I technology,complete with ETCS –I Technology (Electronic Throotle Control System with Intelligence).
The four available types are New Vios TRD Sportivo A/T,GA/T,G M/T and E M/T. The TRD Sportivo is equipped with exclusive TRD body kit and AVX Navy Ready audio video facility. Two additional colors to choose from are Blackish Red Mica and Light Blue Metallic.
On the road ,the new series is priced from Rp 232.2 million to Rp 254.4 million in Jakarta.
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5:36 AM
Mel Gibson and Russian girlfriend in reported split
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
LOS ANGELES: Actor Mel Gibson and his Russian-born singer girlfriend were reported on Wednwsday to have split up five months after the birth of their baby daughter.
Celebrity websites and ,among others,cited unnamed sources as saying the Braveheart actor ,54,and Oksana Grigorieva ,39,had gone their separate ways some weeks ago.
Gibson’s spokesman declined to comment on the reports
The Oscar-winning actor and director of blockbuster The Passion of the Christ went public about this romance with Gregorieva shortly after filling for divorce in April 2009 from his wife nearly 30 years,Robyn. said the pair “just drifted apart”and quoted an unnamed friend as saying the split was amicable and that they hoped to raise their baby,Lucya,together.
Grigorieva,a classical pianist and model ,released a debut pop music album in August. Gibson directed the music videos for four of the songs. She also has a teenage son with former James Bond actor Timothy Dalton.
Gibson ,who made headlines worldwide in 2006 for a drunk driving arrest and anti-Semitic tirade,returned to movie acting in January with the thriller Edge of Darkness after an eight-year break.Reuters
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7:11 AM
Download Microsoft.Net Frame Work Runtime file
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Microsoft.Net Frame Work Runtime file
FIFA World Cup 2010 Official Theme Song.mp3
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8:04 AM
JPEG and GIF the differences
Monday, April 12, 2010
JPEG and GIF image formats are both compression based formats. They are the most widely used and supported image formats for web. They take an uncompressed image such as bitmapped image and compress them to a smaller file size. A lot smaller image size is moreover the result of this conversion. It may seem that one compression may result in smaller file sizes, nevertheless that is simply not the case. Now where lays the difference?
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. It supports 16.7 million colors. It is ideal for photographic images and high quality images. JPEG is a lossless method of compression or in common parlance, when the program that creates a GIF squashes the original image down to ensure not to lose any data. It uses an easy substitution method of compression.
GIF on the other hand, stands for Graphic Interchange Format. It supports only a maximum of 256 colors. It is the only alternative to make an image animated unless you want to use Flash. Between GIF and JPEG, only GIF allows transparency. GIF is good for images with flat expenses of color. It can be use for logos, titles, button, etc. The maximum compression of GIF depends on the amount of repetition there is in an image. A flat color can compress well to even one tenth of the original size while a complex non-competitive color will save approximately 20%.
GIF format is good at compressing images with a small number of colors with no gradations. In actual fact, most web graphics are saved in GIF by contrast when applied to JPEG, it usually results in images which are larger than their GIF counterparts and may appear corrupted.
Each image format has its own advantage. GIF may win out with the non-dithering, fewer color images while JPEG is excellent for dithered continuous tone images. An example to this is a photograph with several colors, shadows and even gradations. All these colors and shades call for the JPEG format.
JPEGs disadvantage is that it throws away parts of an image to save space. Apparently you just can’t discard any piece of information so what JPEG does is divide the image into squares. GIF is short of colors, that’s a blatant fact. Another disadvantage is that, Unisys discovered that it owned several patents to key parts of the GIF compression technology and has started demanding fees from every company which uses the GIF code. This is the reason why progress was muffled. Now that you already know the difference, you can now pick what’s good for you.
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4:31 AM
How To Resolve Sd Card 'write Error'
SD cards are flash memory devices which allow a user to store huge amount of data. Being reliable and durable, these cards have become the hot choice to store data and are used in various host devices like digital camera, PDAs, video game consoles, MP3 players etc. Despite so many advantages, these cards are also prone to errors. Most of these errors occur due to reasons like interruption in read/write process, virus attacks or file system corruption. While some SD card errors can be dealt by cleaning the contacts of the card and re-inserting it, others can be rectified by formatting the card. After formatting, the SD card data can be retrieved by using either a valid backup or SD card recovery software.
Consider a situation, you have taken your family to an exotic locale and while clicking pictures through your digital camera (which is using a SD card) you witness an error on its LCD screen:
“Write error”
The above error is not rare in case of SD cards. The moment the error erupts, the data stored on the SD card becomes inaccessible. Moreover, the SD card becomes useless as you can't even store new data on it.
The above error which rendered the SD card ineffectual can be accounted to corruption. The other reason can be relatively less memory space to accommodate new data.
In order to rectify 'write error', you can try the following possible techniques:
Turn the camera off, re-insert the card and then turn it on again
If you are still not able to access the data, connect the camera to a computer
You can use a card reader to access the SD card data
In grim situations where nothing of the above works, format the SD card and restore the data using a backup
After formatting, the SD card becomes functional and can perform read/write operation. If a backup of the data is corrupted or invalid, you can rely on a SD card recovery software. A SD card recovery tool employs improved scanning algorithms to extract data in the event of corruption.
Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery, a well-known SD card recovery tool, is designed to recover lost/formatted/deleted multimedia files from a variety of memory cards like SD, SDHC, XD, MMC, CF etc. The easy-to-use tool is available in two versions, one each for Windows and Mac operating system.
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4:04 AM
Success Tip: Be Careful Of The Company That You Keep!
Is everything in your life going the way that you want? Putting it another way, if you died five (5) years from today without accomplishing another thing between today and then, would you be satisfied?
How about the people hanging with you in your usual group?
Most likely, the answer would be a resounding, "No!"
Fast forward five (5) years. How many of these people, do you think, would be doing things differently then compared to the way they do them today?
I don't know that answer, but I bet you as the reader are making guesses pretty close to mine, and it's not many.
Here is the REAL question...Would YOU be one of these people?
Obviously, there ARE some people who break this mold. We see successful people. Several of them have nice positions at their work. Others might be leaders within our community. Sometimes, we see people on the news, and these people make us smile. Even many of the best sports players experience some form of success.
What are some things that these people have in common? What do they do differently than the common (and less successful) person?
I'm not going to discuss them ALL here, but I will focus on one major thing.
With whom do you spend most of your time? Are any of these people already where you want to be? Are any of them taking steps to get there, if they aren't already there?
Why is this important?
What types of things do you spend you time discussing with people? Do you talk about ways to improve yourself? Do you talk about the ways you are experimenting to learn something new?
If you're like most people, you're talking about the economy--and how it stinks. You're not talking about how you can benefit from the economic downturn. (For example, many things are cheaper--a lot cheaper.)
Are you spending a lot of time talking about sports? Yeah, they're fun. I know far too much about too many sports. I've noticed that games that seemed really important five (5) years ago don't seem to be nearly as important today. Yesterday's stories have been replaced by today's.
So what happened to that time that I spent discussing and thinking about that game years ago?j
That's right. It's gone. That time passed without me building anything for myself to make me better.
Do the people in your group make you feel better about yourself? If so, how? Do you get to laugh at other people's expense, or do they help you understand yourself better. Do they make you realize what a loser you are, or do they make you see good things about yourself that you had trouble seeing on your own?
I'm not suggesting that you ditch all of your friends. I'm just simply suggesting that you evaluate whether you want to include some people who make you feel good--for the right reasons.
Successful people are finding people to teach. They also find people to teach them. They also find peers to learn beside them. In fact, they are always learning, often from each other.
Parting thought provoking questions...
Do you think the president of that big company in town spends a lot of his nights drinking at the local corner bar? What type of people is probably in his or her group?
Who do you want to be in YOUR group?
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3:52 AM
How to Master the Difference Between Features and Benefits Once and For All
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sell the Hole, NOT the Drill
Most of you have heard the old saying to sell benefits, not features. A feature is a 100 year old tree in the back yard. A benefit is the refreshing shade it will provide with hours of time spent laughing with your kids as they swing from its branches. Most of us know this yet it is still tough not to pitch our product, company, or opportunity. We need to stop because we are all losing money.
This article will serve as a different spin on that old advice with some practical application that is intended to help you make more sales. The quote below will lay the foundation for what I’m talking about…
"Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill, they wanted a hole. Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise information about making holes – NOT information about drills." - Perry Marshall
Your product is not what you probably think it is. In fact, it might surprise you to hear that people don't care about your opportunity or your product at all.
I know it’s hard to hear, but they really don't. What they do wish for is a solution to their problem. Their problem could be a lack of money, lack of time with family, or maybe they hate what they do but don’t know of any other options. Whatever it is, your success increases dramatically as you learn how to position your product or opportunity as the solution to that problem. However, before that happens, you've got some barriers to break through…
Barrier 1: People hate to be sold.
Barrier 2: People will rarely see you (a complete stranger) as anything more than a sales person trying to get into their wallet.
Your breakthrough to those barriers is in the quote above, and here is what it means...
"Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill." - You didn't (or won't) join a business team because you wanted a business.
"They wanted a hole." - You want more money, time, freedom, control, fulfillment etc...
"Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise information about making holes – NOT information about drills!" - People don't want your opportunity. They want the benefits that it can provide them.
By providing information on the benefits they are interested in, your prospects sell themselves on using your opportunity as the tool with which to accomplish their goals! That’s right: people hate to be sold, but they love to buy – and the only difference is who is doing the ‘selling’. If it’s you, they’re being sold; but if it’s them, it's their idea and they can't wait to buy!
So here are the Do’s and Don’ts on how you actually make that happen:
• Market and promote information on ‘how to drill a hole’ faster, easier, and cheaper.
• Make sure the information you market and promote is useful and valuable. That’s what a consultant does and what gives your prospect the tools they need to sell themselves.
• Market your opportunity and products directly. That’s what makes you the sales person they want to avoid.
• Market and promote information that isn’t related to what people really want (ie your opportunity or product).
Here’s another angle on why this concept is so key…
Let’s pretend that you’re researching an opportunity online. You type “Company X” into Google and hundreds of websites belonging to other distributors come up, pitching the company (i.e. selling the drill). Are you just going to call up one of those people randomly and join them, or are you going to seek out a leader who’s offering real expertise and value? You’re going to join the leader of course!
Why? Because he is positioning himself as someone who can help you get what you really want faster – (more money, time etc). In this case, the leader is doing this through something called Attraction Marketing. So it boils down to this - which person are you going to be?
If you choose correctly, you'll become the hunted instead of the hunter and not only your business, but your lifestyle will change.
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3:50 AM
Tips To Resolve “error: 0x200110020000100a”
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Windows Vista is embedded with a powerful tool – Startup Repair – that allows its users to overcome almost all startup issues. The option is located in the 'System Recovery Options' menu, that appears when you insert the Windows Vista installation disc. While the tool ensures complete repair of damaged or corrupted system files, there are many cases in which this tool might disappoint the user.
For such instances, the user is not left with any option, but to perform a clean reinstall of Windows Vista operating system. And to recover data post re-installation, the user needs to opt for an effective hard drive recovery solution.
Here is one such 'startup repair' failure scenario. You have a Windows Vista system whose file system gets corrupted due to a fatal virus attack. The system becomes unbootable after displaying the below error message:
“no bootable devices, please insert boot cd and press any key”
The error message does not allow you to access the data saved in hard drive. In addition, the error message pops-up every time you try to boot your system.
The boot sector or file system of your hard drive has been damaged. Corruption can occur due to improper system shutdown, virus infection, application malfunction, and operating system damage.
To resolve the above error message and to access the data, follow the below steps:
Run CHKDSK command on the affected volume.
Select 'Startup Repair' option in 'System Restore' advanced options. This option repairs the file systems and boot sector, and brings the system in bootable state. However, the above option might also fail displaying the below error message:
“Error: 0X200110020000100A”
In cases where both the above solutions fail to resolve your issue, the only alternative left is to reinstall the Windows Vista operating system. The option proves successful in resolving all startup issues and in bringing your boot state back. However, the option also has a disadvantage of deleting all the previously saved files from your hard drive. To recover all the deleted files, an easy option is to use an effective third-party hard drive recovery software. A Hard Drive Recovery tool is a powerful application that scans the hard drive using high-end scanning methods and recovers all lost files.
Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery recovers all lost hard drive data post formatting or any other logical corruption scenario. Compatible with FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS and NTFS5 file systems, the Hard Drive Recovery Software supports Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000.
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4:02 AM
Tips To Recover Lost Photos From Kodak Easyshare M340 Camera
Friday, April 9, 2010
Kodak EasyShare M340, powered with 10 MP CCD and effective imaging quality, is one of the most accepted additions in the M series of Kodak EasyShare digital cameras. With simple auto adjusting settings, Kodak EasyShare M340 captures and allows you to share most beautiful moments of your life. The camera is available with 16 MB internal memory and expansion slot to support SD and SDHC cards. Irrespective of its smart features, photo loss is not avoidable in Kodak EasyShare M340 camera. Its SD card, SDHC card, or internal memory might get corrupted for the most common reasons. Thus keeping a copy of your memories is a good practice against any such incidents, which might otherwise call for digital photo recovery solution.
Digital photo loss is not rare in the world of photography. One of the common causes is mistaken file deletion. Similar to the other cameras, Kodak EasyShare M340 is susceptible to corruption in storage media:
Interrupted read/write operation. This usually occurs when the storage card is ejected or camera's battery goes down during an ongoing write
File system corruption when users keep on storing data to a point when storage media card is almost full
Accessing or deleting photos in a device, other than Kodak EasyShare M340 camera, which doesn't recognize the storage card format
Kodak EasyShare M340 camera cannot recognize the SD/SDHC card. It either freezes or reports errors on inserting the corrupted card. As a result, all the photos that are stored on the card are no longer accessible.
A corrupted SD/SDHC card or internal memory can be made reusable by reformatting. But when it comes to your treasured memories, they need to be restored from the last available backup. In other cases, when the backup is not available, you need to use a Digital Photo Recovery Software.
Digital photo recovery tools are exclusive products designed with excellent technology to scan, locate, and restore lost pictures, audios, and videos from variety of storage media and digital cameras. With their interactive design, you may find these applications extremely easy-to-use.
Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is one utility trusted by one and all, in the photography arena, to restore their treasured moments and digital data. This Digital Photo Recovery Software has a commendable performance when it comes to supporting media like, digital media cards (including SD, SDHC, etc.), digital cameras, CDs, DVDs, iPods, and more. The software is available in two different variants, one each for Windows and Mac operating systems.
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4:01 AM
Top 10 Tips For Disaster Recovery Planning
Monday, April 5, 2010
Essentially, the key to Disaster Recovery success is having a realistic and well understood set of objectives that are based on the business needs. This involves planning and preparation, from the business impact analysis, to understanding and quantifying risks, to classifying and prioritising applications and data for recoverability.
Additionally, there is the need for preparing systems to be able to recover, and then documenting everything, especially the Disaster Recovery plan. Another factor for success is to make Disaster Recovery less than an exception by integrating Disaster Recovery hardware components into production. The dynamic nature of IT requires continuous review and updates of the process and the plan. It must be part of the day-to-day operations.
Finally, investing in a solid technology basis is critical. An organisation must leverage newer technologies that provide higher performance at lower cost where possible, and at a minimum it must ensure that data backups are functioning well and kept offsite.
1. Business and IT need to be linked
Creating a Disaster Recovery plan is a compromise and while people are aware of best practices, they face issues related to cost. When best practices are pitted against cost, cost needs to be the second and not first priority. Even more important though, is that capabilities needs to be matched to expectations. Responding to a disaster is an exception, but preparing for it should not be a burden but integrated with day-to-day priorities.
2. There needs to be a Disaster Recovery plan
The Disaster Recovery plan needs to represent all functional areas within IT prior to, during, and after a disaster. It needs to include applications, networks, servers & storage.
Contingencies, such as "what-if" scenarios should be considered as part of planning process. Decisions need to be made regarding levels of disruption that will constitute a disaster, downtime and loss tolerances.
3. Keep the Disaster Recovery Plan current
Disaster Recovery planning needs to be part of the day-to-day operations of the IT environment and even though it is an exception, it should always be at the forefront of people's minds. Once the Disaster Recovery plan is created, it needs to be maintained and updated every time an element within the IT environment changes. The dynamic nature of IT environment ensures that the Disaster Recovery plan will fail if the management of the plan is not part of change management.
4. Test the Disaster Recovery Plan
The Disaster Recovery plan needs to be tested regularly to ensure the business can recover the operation successfully and in a timely fashion. Disaster Recovery testing is a major challenge for most IT departments, but if recovery has not been tested all the way to the application level, it is very likely that problems will occur.
Even though a Disaster Recovery test is a major operational disruption it shouldn't be treated as a pro forma exercise but needs to include true end-to-end testing all the way to production. The focus needs to be on recovering applications rather than servers since with today's complex applications, client server and web-based multi-tier applications, the components reside on multiple servers thus there are interdependencies between these. If disaster recovery has not been tested all the way to the application level, it is very likely that problems will occur.
The philosophy for Disaster Recovery testing needs to change. Basically the approach used for software quality testing should be adopted, where finding bugs is a positive thing. Finding problems in Disaster Recovery is equally positive as long as these issues are resolved to eliminate problems during a real disaster.
5. Set realistic recovery objectives
Frequently, organisations have established objectives and prioritised servers and applications in accordance with Disaster Recovery policies. However, upon an objective examination of Disaster Recovery capabilities and resources, it turns out that these goals are not attainable. Thus it is important to set realistic Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO).
In regards to the RPO when does the clock start ticking and what tolerance is permissible for an outage. As for the RTO how current is the data prior to the disaster. These are the key matrix items that need to be determined and supported. It is important to examine whether the infrastructure can support the goals.
6. Disaster Recovery Responsibilities
Disaster Recovery roles and responsibilities need to be clearly defined. In the case of a disaster, who will be there to recover the data and initiate the Disaster Recovery plan? With disasters like Sep 11, there was a clear demonstration of the risk of staff not being available to perform recovery. Even in situations where tragedy is not the issue, it might simply be a case of not being able to physically reach Disaster Recovery sites. Any Disaster Recovery planning scenario must consider redundancy of roles to ensure that people are available to cover various responsibilities in the process.
This highlights the need for comprehensive documentation and training. Large organisations with distributed IT expertise are in the best shape as far as this is concerned, because they can leverage resources in multiple locations. There is also the possibility of contracting and enlisting third-party service companies to help in the planning and preparation process.
Disaster recovery requires organisation, coordination, and execution. Perhaps the best profile for a Disaster Recovery Manager is that of a military commander. Executing a Disaster Recovery plan is analogous to a military operation. It requires that each participant understands his or her job, who they have to interact with and, most importantly, the proper chain of command. As in these circumstances, chaos is a given, being able to react to new and changing circumstances quickly and confidently is key.
Some of the factors that need to be considered are how and when a disaster is declared, time to notify and position people at Disaster Recovery sites, equipment logistics, recovery initiation, and the overall execution process for recovery.
7. Disaster Recovery Risk
The Disaster Recovery plan needs to address the right risks. Disaster recovery is essentially an insurance policy. How much and what kind of insurance is needed? What sort of risks is the organisation willing to take? The definition of what constitutes a disaster that is covered by the plan has to be considered. Many recent disasters were floods but various kinds of other weather activity and fires need to be considered as well. There are elements within the organisation's environment that need to be considered from the standpoint of what constitutes a disaster. A site outage, application outage, or even a server outage could constitute a disaster for an organisation.
8. Good Data Backups
What happens when the backups don't work? For many companies tape backup is still the primary medium for disaster recovery, certainly for off-site disaster recovery. As an alternative, replication across a WAN is growing, but it might be too costly an option for some businesses. Application recoverability must be validated through the recovery of data backups to the application level.
9. Alternative Recovery Services
It needs to be clearly defined who - in the case of a disaster - will be there to recover operations and initiate the Disaster Recovery plan. While this is an uncomfortable consideration it needs to be considered nonetheless. Disasters like September 11 clearly highlighted the risk of staff not being available to perform recovery. Some of the organisations affected had a backup copy of their data offsite, however it was only a short distance away from the World Trade Centre site and staff couldn't access the site for weeks caused by the exclusion zone set up around Ground Zero. Even in situations where tragedy is not the issue, it might simply be a case of not being able to physically reach Disaster Recovery sites.
10. Disaster Recovery Cost Consideration
Data protection and recovery requirements may seem too expensive and Disaster Recovery is considered a particularly heavy expense, one that most organisations have a great deal of difficulty absorbing. It returns to the gap between the ideal and the practical. Being able to address the IT cost for Disaster Recovery is an issue of integrating Disaster Recovery into standard operations as much as possible. Ideally, the Disaster Recovery resources and equipment are not viewed as technologies that are sitting idle. Ultimately, this comes down to making an informed decision of either spending money or accepting risk. Newer technologies are emerging that make this more cost effective. Regardless, Disaster Recovery needs to be treated as an investment. It is an insurance policy.
By: InTechnology
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4:00 AM
Ratu Felisha Hot
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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11:26 AM
Nira Amartha
Guys, I have a little secret! and today, right now here in blog & foto artis Indonesia… I uncover it to you guys. Please don’t tell anyone! OK? Do you promise me? This is between us, you and me, your Uncle Earl! Ok…ok this is our secret! “I’m one of Marlin Taroreh and Nira Amartha’s fans!!!” They have killer body!!
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11:18 AM
Foto Bugil Erika Kirihara Artis porno Jepang di film Arisan Brondong
Artis Porno asal jepang ini memang tidak setenar Miyabi atau Rin Sakuragi.Namun dalam film perdananya di Indonesia,Erika Kirihara bermain total.
Foto Bugil Erika Kirihara Artis porno Jepang di film Arisan Brondong.
Nama Erika Kirihara mungkin masih asing bagi masyarakat indonesia.Erika Kirihara merupakan pemain dalam film Arisan Brondong. Ini dia foto Erika Kirihara.
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11:00 AM