Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women's groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, "Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping" by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" (Source: Duke University's Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it's difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead in the 1860's tapped into the general human need to honor our dead, each contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in Gen Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first, what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all.
Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states. The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war). It is now celebrated in almost every State on the last Monday in May (passed by Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 (P.L. 90 - 363) to ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays), though several southern states have an additional separate day for honoring the Confederate war dead: January 19 in Texas, April 26 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi; May 10 in South Carolina; and June 3 (Jefferson Davis' birthday) in Louisiana and Tennessee.
In 1915, inspired by the poem "In Flanders Fields," Moina Michael replied with her own poem:
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.
She then conceived of an idea to wear red poppies on Memorial day in honor of those who died serving the nation during war. She was the first to wear one, and sold poppies to her friends and co-workers with the money going to benefit servicemen in need. Later a Madam Guerin from France was visiting the United States and learned of this new custom started by Ms.Michael and when she returned to France, made artificial red poppies to raise money for war orphaned children and widowed women. This tradition spread to other countries. In 1921, the Franco-American Children's League sold poppies nationally to benefit war orphans of France and Belgium. The League disbanded a year later and Madam Guerin approached the VFW for help. Shortly before Memorial Day in 1922 the VFW became the first veterans' organization to nationally sell poppies. Two years later their "Buddy" Poppy program was selling artificial poppies made by disabled veterans. In 1948 the US Post Office honored Ms Michael for her role in founding the National Poppy movement by issuing a red 3 cent postage stamp with her likeness on it.
On January 19, 1999 Senator Inouye introduced bill S 189 to the Senate which proposes to restore the traditional day of observance of Memorial Day back to May 30th instead of "the last Monday in May". On April 19, 1999 Representative Gibbons introduced the bill to the House (H.R. 1474). The bills were referred the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Government Reform.
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Memorial DayHistory
Monday, May 31, 2010
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3:03 AM
Inside Cleveland Clinic and the Secret of its Success
Saturday, May 29, 2010
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: As the health care battle rages on, "On the Record" is doing what members of Congress should be doing during their recess, going to hospitals, checking them out, find out what works, what doesn't work. Today, we went to a hospital that works really well, the Cleveland Clinic, and we asked questions. We didn't talk to lobbyists or bureaucrats, we talked to doctors and people who work in the hospital every day. We even talked to patients. You'll see the amazing state-of-the-art technology this hospital has in moments.
But first we talked to Dr. Toby Cosgrove, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic, about what needs to be done to really fix health care in this country.
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9:07 AM
Menu Konteks tanpa “Open With”
Penggunaan software sejenis dalam satu computer ternyata berdampak segatif pada Windows, yakni asosiasi file Windows tidak teratur. Biasannya, program yang terakhir kali diinstal akan langsung memegang kendali atas semua file yang didukungnya.
Untuk membuka program yang lain, pengguna harus menggunakan menu “Open With..” yang terdapat pada menu konteks. Ketidakteraturan akan semakin parah, karena dari menu ini nantinya bisa dilakukan perubahan program standar secara bebas oleh siapa saja tanpa terkontrol.
Agar perubahan seperti ini tidak terjadi, kamu harus menonaktifkan menu “ Open with..” dari menu konteks Caranya:
1. Jalankan program Registry Editor melalui menu “Start “ lalu ketik regedit.
2. Mauklah ke subkey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Open With.
3. Klik ganda pada String Value (Default).
4. Hapus Value Data {09799AFB-AD67-IIdI-ABCD-00C04FC30936}.
5. Tutup Editror registry, lalu restart Windows.
6. setelah kamu merestart Windows, jalankan Windows Explorer, lalu klik kanan salah satu file kamu. Dijamin opsi “Open with..” akan menghilang dari Windows Explorer kamu.
Diposkan oleh
8:37 AM
Matikan fitur Auto Dial
Fitur Auto Dial bisa merugikan. Mengapa? Coba bayangkan jika kamu membuka suatu halaman web local di hard disk yang salah satu komponennya membutuhkan koneksi Internet. Fitur auto dial otomatis langsung membuat koneksi Internet untuk memenuhi permintaan tersebut. Bagaimana jika kamu tidak sadar bahwa koneksi Internet telah terbentuk dan dan kamu membiarkannya nganggur meski sebenarnya saat itu koneksi Internet tidak dibutuhkan? Tentu ini pemborosan besar.
Agar tidak terjadi seperti itu, non aktifkan fitur auto dial Internet Explorer. Carannya:
1. Klik “Start” kemudian ketik Regedit.
2. Pada jendela Registry Editor, masuk ke Key:HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings.
3. Pada bagian kanan jendela, cari DWORD Value bernama EnableAutodial.
4. Klik ganda DWORD Value EnableAutodial dan isi Value Data-nya dengan nilai 0.
5. Tutup window Registry Editor, lalu Restart computer.
Diposkan oleh
8:36 AM
Buat catatan di Windows 7
Di Windows Vista, ada gadget bernama Notes untuk membuat catatan kecil. Bila bosan dengan warna kuning yang menjadi standardnya, kita bisa menggantikan dengan warna lain. Demikian pula dengan jenis font-nya. Kita bisa ganti-ganti sesuka hati.
Di Windows 7, gadgets notes sudah tidak ada. Nmaun kamu masih bisa membuat catatan kecil dengan aplikasi baru yang bernama Sticky Notes. Aplikasi ini mirip gadgets Notes di Windows Vista, bahkan lebih bagus. Sticky Notes bisa muncul diatas semua aplikasi dengan 7 pilihan warna.
Untuk menjalankan aplikasi ini, kamu cukup mengetikkan Sticky Notes di menu Start Windows 7 atau menjalankan file StickyNot.exe. Atau, akses Sticky Notes dari menu “Start> All Programs> Accesories> Sticky Notes”.
Di aplikasi Sticky Notes, kamu bisa menuliskan catatan yang ingin kamu buat. Bila selembar tak cukup, klik saja tanda + di sisi kiri atas. Lembar catatan akan bertambah satu lembar.
Tips N Trick
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8:34 AM
Canon Pixma iP2770 Pakai Tinta Hibrida
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sistem tinta hibrida dipakai di iP2770, seri terbaru printer inkjet Canon yang dibandrol Rp 455 ribu ini. Maka tiga warna dye pun dikemaskan dalam satu cardtridge agar warna cetakan lebih lebih alami dan tajam.
Sedangkan tinta hitam pigmen membuat teks yang dicetak dengan printer berkecepatan cetak 7.0 ipm (image per minute) BW (4.8 ipm untuk warna) ini lebih tajam.
Diposkan oleh
8:35 AM
BP Oil Spill Probes Find Deficiencies, Disagreements (Correct)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
May 27 (Bloomberg) -- BP Plc and Transocean Ltd. managers disagreed on how to proceed with work hours before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, and a review in 2007 found staff-training deficiencies, according to testimony at a Louisiana hearing.
The disagreement, which occurred about 11 hours before the April 20 blast that left a well gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico, ended with BP prevailing and a Transocean official “reluctantly” agreeing to proceed with work, Douglas Brown, Transocean’s chief mechanic for the vessel, said yesterday at the hearing conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Minerals Management Service.
Brown said he heard Jimmy Harrell, Transocean’s top rig manager on the Deepwater Horizon, leave the meeting saying, “Guess that’s what we have those pinchers for.” Brown said he took that as a reference to the shear rams on a piece of equipment called a blowout preventer, which are designed to clamp shut and cut off the flow of oil and gas through the drill pipe in the event of emergency.
The hearing is part of several federal investigations that are being held in Washington and Louisiana to determine the cause of the disaster.
An investigator for BP told staff of the House Energy & Commerce Committee that rig operators erred by releasing pressure in a “kill line” while pressure in a drill pipe remained at 1,400 pounds per square inch, according to a congressional memo dated May 25 and signed by Democratic Representatives Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak.
‘Fundamental Mistake’
“BP’s investigator indicated that a ‘fundamental mistake’ may have been made here because this was an ‘indicator of a very large abnormality,’” the lawmakers wrote in the summary prepared for members of the House panel, which will hold a hearing on the spill today. Waxman of California is the committee’s chairman, and Stupak of Michigan heads its investigations panel.
A review of the Deepwater Horizon rig in 2007 found staff training was deficient, along with “safety critical” items that were overdue, according to David McKay, a surveyor with Oslo-based Det Norske Veritas SA who testified at the hearing.
BP, based in London, yesterday began its most ambitious attempt to plug the leak by pumping mud-like drilling fluid into the well, according to a statement. The effort is aimed at tamping down the gusher of oil and natural gas and then sealing the well with cement. Success would bring to an end a leak that has poured millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf and soiled at least 70 miles (113 kilometers) of coastline.
BP’s Higher Estimate
BP has estimated the well is leaking about 5,000 barrels of oil a day. A BP document shows it may be leaking about 14,000 barrels daily, U.S. Representative Edward Markey said yesterday.
The internal BP document from April 27 put a high estimate for the leak at 14,266 barrels a day, Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, said yesterday at a House Natural Resources Committee hearing. At the time, BP was saying publicly that its well was leaking 1,000 barrels a day, Markey said.
The congressional memo provides an account of events on the rig in the 24 hours before the explosion, based on the BP investigator’s interpretation. It doesn’t include information from Transocean, the owner of the rig, or Halliburton Co., the contractor involved in cementing the well.
‘Large Plume of Gas’
A BP safety official said yesterday that a gas plume developed at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on April 20 just before the explosion that killed 11 workers and triggered an oil leak still fouling the Gulf of Mexico.
“This was a pretty large plume of gas,” said Mark Bly, BP’s group head of safety and operations, during a briefing in Washington. “It was large enough that there was a high likelihood it would have ignited.”
An influx of gas at the deep-water well and a lack of recognition by employees that gas was rising up the well were among critical events before the explosion, according to a summary of the preliminary investigation by a BP team provided by the company at the Washington briefing.
Operators on the rig missed a series of warning signs, including indications that more fluid was flowing out of the well than was being pumped in, according to the congressional memo.
Five hours before the blast, a riser pipe had a loss of fluid, suggesting leaks. Four hours before, a system gained 15 barrels of fluid when 5 were expected, suggesting an “influx from the well,” according to the memo. Later, 41 minutes before the explosion, the pump was shut down and pressure unexpectedly increased.
The operators also had trouble with cement used to hold back gas in the well, and a step in the cementing process had to be repeated nine times, according to the memo. A test performed after cementing was complete “may not have been definitive.” The cement may have been contaminated, making it weaker than it was intended to be, according to the memo.
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7:58 AM
Trik Power Point 2010, Pasang video YouTube di Presentasi
Cara klasik memasang video dalam presentasi unduh video, sunting ke format yang sesuai lalu tempelkan ke file presentasi. Sekarang nggak perlu kayak gitu. Kamu bisa langsung menempelkan video dari YouTube ke file presentasi tanpa mengunduhnya terlebih dahulu. Begini caranya :
1. Klik lalu pilih video yang akan dipasang di presentasi.
2. Klik tombol < embed > di bagian bawah video youtube.
3. Salin kode yang ada di bawahnya.
4. Sekarang buka aplikasi PowerPoint dan buka file presentasi yang ingin dibubuhi video dari Youtube.
5. Buka slide yang ingin kamu temple video.
6. Klik menu “insert>video>video from website..”.
7. tempelkan kode embed yang tadi didapat dari YouTube.
8. Klik “insert” . Video dari YouTube akan langsung menempel di slide presentasi.
Diposkan oleh
6:39 AM
Trik Bikin CD Presentasi
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Presentasi yang baru kamu paparkan mungkin juga ingin dimiliki besar audience. Biasanaya, file presentasi atau slide dicetak pada kertas dan dibagikan ke seluruh audiens. Tapi animasi dan berbagai pernak-pernik yang telah kamu rancang pasti tak akan muncul pada lembar hard copy.
Sebagai solusinya, kamu dapat membagikan file presentasi dalam bentuk CD. Eh, tidak usah menyimpan file harddisk dan membakarnya secara manual. Buat saja langsung CD itu di Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. Begini caranya:
1. Klik tombol “File”, kemudian pilih menu “Share”
2. Pada menu sisi kanan pilih menu “Package Presentation for CD>Package Presentation for CD”.
3. Tentukan judul presentasi kamu pada kolom Name the CD.
4. Tentukan pula file-file yang ingin kamu masukkan ke dalam CD dengan mengklik tombol “Add”.
5. Jika ingin menambahkan password pada CD presentasi, pilih menu “options..”, dan isikan password pada kolom “Password to open each presentation dan password to modify each presentation”. Klik “OK” untuk menyimpan password.
6. Masukkan CD kosong pada drive CD writer dan klik tombol “copy to CD” untuk memulai pembuatan CD.
Diposkan oleh
6:42 AM
American Idol Finale: And the Winner Is...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
American Idol's Season 9 winner has been crowned.
Millions of votes were cast for finalists Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze. Bowersox was the season's early favorite (57 percent of more than 4,500 voters in a poll picked her to win), while DeWyze came into the finale with newfound momentum.
And so it was that when Ryan Seacrest read the results, DeWyze was the singer showered with confetti at the Nokia Theatre.
Asked how he felt to have won, DeWyze fought back tears and said, "I don't know. It's just amazing.
"Thank you guys so much for everything," he continued. "I love you guys. Crystal, I love you. I'm just so happy right now. I've never been so happy."
DeWyze closed the show performing U2's "Beautiful Day," which will be his first single.
Do you think America got it right?
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6:54 AM
Information Communication Technology Manager
Monday, May 24, 2010
United Nations Children's Fund
Job offer description:
City: Addis Ababa
Lead, manage and support Information Management Systems, ICT infrastructure, Communication Systems and ICT staff capacity in support of the country programme with the opportunities and framework of UN coherence.
Has good leadership and supervisory skills; co-ordinates group activities, ensuring that roles within the team are clear. Sets clearly defined objectives and plans activities for self, own team or department.
Advanced university degree in information management with specialized training in computer science, information systems or telecommunications.
Five years of practical work experience at professional levels in support of office computerization, including the installation of and administration of LAN/WAN. MIS Systems, Applications and telecommunications facilities.
Fluency in English and another UN language.
In the selection of its staff, UNICEF is committed to gender balance and diversity without distinction as to race, sex or religion, and without discrimination of persons with disabilities.
Organization: United Nations Children's Fund
Unit / department: Information Communication Technology
Job type: Information System and Technology
Job reference: RW_85JR36-9
Apply: Click here
Added on: May 20 (2010)
Expires: June 4 (2010)
Lowongan kerja
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7:05 AM
Jose Lima Found Dead
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Former MLB pitcher Jose Lima was found dead at home this morning of an apparent heart attack. He was 37.
His wife, Dorca Astacio, told, "Jose was complaining while sleeping and I just thought he was having a nightmare ... I called the paramedics, but they couldn't help him."
A rep for the L.A. County Coroner tells TMZ the death is now under investigation, but that there are no signs of foul play.
Lima played 13 seasons for five different teams, the highlight being his 21 win season for the Houston Astros back in 1999.
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1:08 PM
job vacancy ( Petroleum Engineer )
. Petroleum Engineer (Dept Code: SSD)
Key Job Responsibilities:
• Act as night supervisor of well test operation which cover supervise well test operation, quality check, and sampling, perform well test analysis and etc
• Perform well test design with consultation with Sr. Petroleum Engineer
• Assist Sr. Petroleum Engineer to ensure preparation of well test operation, such as tools inspection
• Assist completion design in consultation with Sr. Completion engineer (Drilling)
• Assist reservoir engineer's discipline to consultation with head of petroleum engineer's guidance and instruction, such as preparation to reservoir surveillance plan, preparation for reservoir simulation model, if any
• Perform petroleum engineering administrative matters which include bidding and etc, with head of petroleum engineer's guidance and instruction
• Construct well opening sequence and clean-up procedure for development wells in consultation with head of petroleum Engineer and Sr. Completion engineer (Drilling)
• Indonesian nationality
• Bachelor University degree in Petroleum Engineering
• 5+ years in similar jobs
• Superior talent of personal communication with external entity
• English literacy
• Have good interpersonal and communication skill
• English literacy
Lowongan kerja
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12:22 PM
Tiger Woods Nike Golf Commercial
Despite reports that Elin Nordegren will stand by husband Tiger Woods despite his cheating scandal, a source close to the Swedish model tells Pop Tarts that Nordegren is instead ready to end their five-and-a-half year marriage.
“Elin and Tiger have been talking daily now,” said our insider. “But it is mostly divorce talk."
Nordegren has apparently been meeting intensively with her divorce lawyer, and is expected to file for divorce from Woods.
Soon after news of Woods’ alleged affairs hit headlines in November, Nordegren purchased a property of her own on the West coast of Sweden. We’re now told that construction on the home has stepped up considerably over the past week, prompting speculation that Nordegren is preparing to move in as soon as possible.
The 30-year-old mother of two was also spotted boarding a private jet in Florida on Monday with their children and luggage in tow. It is believed she is spending time with friends and family in Sweden.
Despite dealing with her husband's infidelity while under intense media scrutiny, Nordegren is holding up relatively well considering the circumstances, added our source.
“She is just staying as strong as she possibly can,” the insider told Pop Tarts.
While Nordegren is playing mom and picking up the pieces of her personal life, it seems Woods is refocusing on his career. After placing fourth at the Masters, the pro golfer announced on his website that he will play the Quail Hollow Championship in Charlotte, North Carolina which takes place from April 26, 2010 until May 2, 2010.
And just hours after his estranged wife left the country, Woods apparently partied with pals at a local Orlando restaurant, RadarOnline reported.
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11:04 AM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
PT. MBP Skill Indonesia
Our client,is a Gold Mining Company located in Papua,urgently looking for :
COST ESTIMATOR (Code : 211-50)
1.Bachelor degree (S1) in Civil or Mechanical or related background
3.Min 5 years in similar experienced record in Project Management and Construction Project (Constructability)
4.Able to use Ms.Office, preferably knows about Autocad 2008, WinEst and Primavera
5.Able to work in team as well as individually, able to work under pressure
6.Good English in both oral and writing
1.Male/Female, Max 30 years old
2.Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering
3.Min 3 years experience in Engineering related Projects
4.Understand the function of philosophy and scheduling principal
5.Have training in Primavera (Enterprise)
6.Able to use MS Project, Power point, MS Word, MS Excel, etc
6.Technical, detail oriented problem solver, hard worker and under pressure
Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates
will be followed up. Please send your applications with Update CV, Recent Photo
and Last Salary to and quote the positions code.
PT. MBP Skill Indonesia or
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11:14 AM
Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan
Friday, May 21, 2010
24th Fl Ratu Plaza Office Tower
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 9, Jakarta 10270
Kami adalah salah satu grup perusahaan pertambangan umum terbesar di Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat, berkantor pusat di Jakarta serta memiliki lokasi pertambangan di wilayah Halmahera. Untuk mendukung perkembangan bisnis, kami membutuhkan segera tenaga-tenaga professional yang berkualitas tinggi.
HRD Supervisor Site
- Pendidikan min. S1
- Pengalaman min.3 thn
- Usia min. 28 thn
- Menguasai payroll, pph 21, rekrutmen, dll.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di halmahera & wawancara di kantor pusat jakarta
- Diutamakan pernah memiliki pengalaman di pertambangan
Comdev/CSR Supervisor, Superitendent & Manager Site
- Pendidikan min. S1
- Pengalaman min.3 thn untuk supervisor, min. 7thn untuk superintendent dan min 10thn untuk Manager.
- Usia min. 28 thn untuk supervisor, min.35thn untuk superintendent dan min.40thn untuk Manager.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di halmahera & wawancara di kantor pusat jakarta
- Diutamakan pernah memiliki pengalaman di pertambangan
Lamaran dikirim dengan dilengkapi Curriculum Vitae (CV) , Kirimkan via email ke :
hrd_gps@yahoo. com
mila.meliana@ haritamineral. com
Lowongan kerja
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9:21 AM
A responsible applicant?
Employer:’in this job we need someone who is responsible.”
Applicant:”I’m in the one you want. On my last job ,every time anything go wrong, they said I was responsible.”
A very Powerfull Pill
Tom had a problem with getting up early in the morning and was always late of work. One day his boss got mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn’t do something about it . so Tom went to his doctor ,who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well and ,in fact ,woke up almost two hours before his alarm rang. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work. “Boss,” he said.” The pill actually worked!””That’s all fine,” said the boss,”But where were you yesterday?”
Diposkan oleh
8:33 AM
Vacancy for HSE Manager and Business Development Secretary
Thursday, May 20, 2010
PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA is a leading Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Construction and Properties is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction area, currently searching for highly qualified candidate for the following position:
- Bachelor Degree (S1) Engineering from reputable University
- Having Experience at least 5 Years as a HSE Manager in Chemical, Cement Plant Project.
- Female Max 27 Years Old with Good Appearance
- D3 or S1 Engineering or Secretary
- Having Experience at Least 3 Years as Secretary and Business Development in EPC or Engineering Contractor or Consultant is a Must.
if you meet the requirement above please send your complete CV to:
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11:16 AM
Lowongan Kerja PT Aneka Tambang
Join Us and Be Our Strategic Asset
Demi mewujudkan visinya menjadi perusahaan pertambangan berstandar internasional, PT Antam Tbk mencari kandidat professional untuk mengisi posisi dengan bidang pendidikan:
1. Staf Berpengalaman
* Teknik Geologi (Kode: A1)
2. Lulusan S1
* Teknik Metalurgi (Kode: B1)
* Teknik Geologi (Kode: B2)
* Teknik Pertambangan (Kode: B3)
* Teknik Geologi/Teknik Pertambangan (Geoteknik) (Kode: B4)
* Teknik Tambang Eksplorasi (Kode: B5)
* Teknik Geofisika (Kode: B6)
* Perbankan/Manajemen Keuangan/Akuntasi (Kode: B7)
* Hukum (Kode: B8)
* Teknik Elektro (arus kuat) (Kode: B9)
* Komunikasi / Pengembangan Masyarakat (Kode: B10)
* Teknik Mesin (Kode: B11)
* Teknik Kimia (Kode: B12)
* Teknik Lingkungan (Kode: B13)
* Psikologi (Kode: B14)
3. Lulusan Diploma
* Teknik Elektro (arus lemah) (Kode: C1)
* Teknik Geodesi (Kode: C2)
* Akuntansi (Kode: C3)
* Perpajakan (Kode: C4)
4. Lulusan SMK/STM
* Tambang (Kode: D1)
* Teknik Mesin (Kode: D2)
* Teknik Listrik (Kode: D3)
Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum
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9:23 AM
Singer Maria Eva eyeing Sidoarjo seat
Jakarta: four years after dangdut singer Maria Eva and Golkar politician Yahya Zaini’s hanjy panky was captured on video and widely circulated on the internet in effect ending the man’s political career,Maria is now eyeing a political career herself.
Small parties have reportedly come knocking on Maria’s door asking her to run as East Java’s Sidoarjo’s deputy regent. Should Maria accept, she will be joining the growing rank of celebrities political parties have approached to run in the regional election.
According to, the singer claimed the National Mandate Party (PAN) had approached her, but PAN refuted her claim.
“Small parties are behind me, and the elections in Sidoarjo have become a hot topic because my name has surfaced. It’s not possible to back off. The ball is rolling now, so I have to move forward,” she said as quoted by on Wednesday.
Maria is now expecting much.”if I don’t get elected, I won’t be disappointed. I am not obsessed with being number one. Bit if people ask me, I have to be ready,”she said.
Maria Eva’s sex scandal with Yahya, who is married with three children, made it to the headlines in 2006. Video footage of Yahya cavorting naked with Maria less than a minute long was shot by a camera phone in an upmarket hotel in 2004.
She said became pregnant as a result of the affair and was forced (by Yahya) to have an abortion.
Diposkan oleh
8:30 AM
Keturunan Arab Menang Jadi Miss USA 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010
Jakarta Dilansir SFGate, Senin (17/5/2010), sejak peristiwa 9/11, Amerika kerap menganggap negatif mereka yang keturunan Arab. Mereka diindetikkan sebagai teroris.
Namun lewat ajang Miss USA 2010, Amerika seolah membantahnya. Ajang yang ada di bawah organisasi Miss Universe itu memenangkan dara keturunan Arab yang juga seorang muslim.
Rima Fakih, itulah pemenang Miss USA 2010. Rima yang lahir pada 2 Oktober 1986, merupakan keturunan Libanon-Amerika.
Sebelum menjadi Miss USA 2010, Rima terlebih dulu memenangkan kontes Miss Michigan. Dia dibesarkan kedua orangtuanya di kawasan Dearborn, Michigan, Amerika Serikat. Cewek berambut panjang itu menyandang gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Michigan.
Rima disebut-sebut sangat bangga dengan latar belakang keturunan keluarganya yang Arab-Amerika. Apalagi ia pernah dinasehati ayahnya, "Kamu tidak tahu siapa dirimu, sampai kamu tahu dari mana kamu berasal."
Ajang Miss USA 2010 digelar di Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat, Minggu (16/5/2010) malam. Di ajang tersebut, Rima terpilih menjadi pemenang mengalahkan 50 finalis lainnya.(eny/eny)
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8:01 AM
How To Make Compaq Presario C717NR Li-ion Rechargable Battery For Optimal Time
Monday, May 17, 2010
Laptop Power packs were appearing more common as many Programmers are now being accompanied with the Laptops in place of the Personal Assistants. When your notebook/laptop has not joined to primary power supply, in that situation the Laptop li-ion rechargeable battery of yours Compaq PRESARIO C717NR notebook PC turn into the energy source and therefore it should be selected with great protection.
Before buying your notebook PC power pack, consider carefully about demand you will place on on your laptop PC when you are away from the primary power supply resource; Like all kinds of Batteries, notebook PC li-ion batteries comes in different kinds of makes & of various prices; The price of notebook li-ion rechargeable battery does not comprise the strength of li-ion battery. Always acquire your li-ion rechargeable batteries from a available resources. Notebook sellers & several hardware stores can be better sites to purchase for equivalent li-ion rechargeable battery. Even if other power pack will be utilized for the Notebook PC, make sure that you see and get into regard suggestions those had been placed in the guide has got with your Laptop.
If a notebook PC battery may last any capacity in-between 3to12 hours, The more complex tasks you perform using your your notebook affect the life of the battery. The Notebook PC power pack can be again chargeable; Hence, you should make confident that Compaq PRESARIO C717NR li-ion battery is completely charged before using first time;
The laptop PC battery can be a convenient source of the power supply when away from a major energy but we should not rely on the li-ion rechargeable battery as the Primary energy for your Laptop PC. The fewer you utilize the battery pack, the longer li-ion rechargeable battery may lost. You must only utilize your li-ion batteries to power supply the Notebook PC when far distance from a essential energy WALL socket. Because of the reality that which additional users are relaying on the electronic Laptop in place of large amount of group of sheets to lug around, so many Industries are now manufacturing Laptop PCs.
Executing more than single application in the laptop raises utilization of Memory and CPU which uses much battery energy. Performing many experiments it has been constituted that Laptop gives excellent performance on maintaining one task rather than different tasks at an instance therefore you need to end all applications/tasks & even the simple ones too; Closing the current task for executing fresh task. On acting upon many applications at an instance Central processing unit uses much Battery Power. Dynamical usage of the multiple tasks have to hit the hard disk which utilizes the battery too. So doing one program reduces the utilization of Processor & Hard disc which results excellent execution of laptop.
Keeping the laptop cool gives the effective action. Notebook will be continue cool of using cool pads where various brand names can be existing in markets having with USB ports and cooling method too, We have to clean the air vents for the laptop regularly whether inflow and outflow of the air vents or fans could have blocked by some dust or particles, which happen due to keeping the laptop on your leg and with many places of which were not clean properly, of putting laptops on knee get side-effects also to us; Try to Avoid placing laptop PC on direct sun, warmer .Thus, it might be no hard for getting the best equivalent battery pack at a inexpensive value through
Every Notebook consumer need to make a COMPAQ PRESARIO C717NR Li-ion notebook battery ending when ever workable. Nevertheless no doubt every Notebook battery has the Limited life period. There fore if you can go through the above listed beneficent Li-ion notebook battery tips that can support to extend notebook battery life period.
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5:35 AM
Densus 88 Gerebek Rumah Teroris di Solo!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Satuan Antiteroris Densus 88 malam ini dikabarkan menggerebek sebuah rumah yang ditengarai dihuni oleh kelompok teroris. Dalam penggerebekan ini, terdengar suara baku tembak antara Densus 88 dengan kelompok teroris tersebut.
Data yang dihimpun okezone, Kamis (17/9/2009), penggerebekan terjadi di daerah Jebres, Solo.
Diberitakan media, puluhan aparat Densus 88 mendatangi lokasi sekira pukul 22.00 WIB, Rabu 16 September. Tak selang berapa lama, terdengar suara tembakan di antara kedua belah pihak.
Hingga kini, Mabes Polri belum bisa dihubungi untuk memberikan konfirmasi ini. Kelompok teroris yang menjadi sasaran penggerebekan belum diketahui dari kelompok mana.
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1:45 AM
How To Spot An Online Ticket Scam
Police have shut down 100 online ticket scam websites this month, by taking action through the organisation in charge of registering all web addresses; Icann (Internet Corporations of Assigned Names and Numbers).
Typically, however, these sites which sell fake tickets for events ranging from Bruce Springsteen concerts to the Olympic games are incredible difficult to shut down due to most of them being based offshore. As such, not only do many still remain but more will surely form to replace the fallen.
There are however simple steps you can take to help safeguard against potential online fraudsters:
- Does it seem too good to be true? Life can sometimes chuck you a nice surprise although more often than not if something looks too good to be true then you're going to be left disappointed. Alarm bells should start ringing if you've been endlessly searching for seats at the O2, then suddenly you stumble across a random site that appears to have exactly what you're looking for.
- Does the site look professional? While not necessarily an accurate indicator, I would be cautious of a site that promises premiership football tickets but looks like it knocked up in five minutes by a primary school child.
- Does the page have a page rank? This is one of my favourite methods of checking a sites potential legitimacy. Download and install the Google Toolbar (http:// and this will then provide you with an immediate indication via a small sliding scale just under the address bar as to how 'important' Google believes the page you are currently viewing is. This level is established by monitoring the number of 'important' sites linking to the page in question; A ranking of zero would immediately indicate that the site is either new or that no other sites have seen it as worth linking to.
- Does the page have an Alexa rank? By downloading and installing the Alexa toolbar ( allows anonymous usage statistics to be collected by a central server. This data can be used to create a massive database which ranks the popularity of various sites on the Internet which is displayed via a small scale within your browser. To demonstrate how this can be useful, consider that Ticket Master (one of the largest legitimate ticket sales sites) is currently ranked the 5,514th most popular on the entire Internet. This is no small achievement and it's likely they can be trusted unlike a site which claims to be 'The Biggest and Best on the Web' while ranking in at five millionth.
- Does the page include contact details? You can always try phoning them before you put your order through to talk to then about your order. If you get a dead dial tone, an incorrect number or it sounds like the guy is talking on a mobile in the pub then it's time to move on to another site.
- Does the site receive favourable reviews? Do a Google search for reviews of the site you are thinking about purchasing off; others will quickly rant if they have had problems and while all reviews should be taken with a pinch of salt this will quickly give you an idea as to whether the company is legitimate. Also, don't place too much importance on accreditation logos; the only time they're worth paying attention to is if it's a body you recognise that have their own website that can be used to confirm membership.
- Is their site secure? Ensure that when typing in your card details that you have been transferred to a secure server; this can be done by checking that 'https://' has replaced 'http://' in your address bad. Also, never pay by cheque; a credit card will give you added protection should anything go wrong.
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1:41 AM
Antivirus Kaspersky Terbaru
Saturday, May 15, 2010
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12:44 AM
Our client-A Qatar based Oil Gas Service Company supplying equipment and engineering support is looking for bright and self-motivated individual to work in Qatar. We require fully experienced technical personnel with good command over English proficient in the use of computer.
The company offers an independent and excellent work environment along with lots of growth opportunities. All position come with company provided accommodation, yearly airfare and regular opportunities for enhancement through training.
Please email your CV with the Job Title mentioned in the subject to
Welding Demonstrator
A coded welder with previous experience as a trainer / certifier, ability to discuss and talk about welding system, wave patterns and complex welding technology.
Required to set up machine demonstrate their use and train our clients.
Minimum 2 years of experience.
Electrical Technician – Panel Board
Should have experience in assembling of switch boards. Knowledge of wiring, bus bar work.
Should be able to read the drawing and work independently.
Minimum 2-3 years of experience.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
Industrial Electrician.
Hands on experience and knowledge in HT/LT electrical machineries such as industrial elevator, EOT cranes, air compressor, hydraulic and pneumatic controls.
Minimum 5-7 years experience in the plant machinery maintenance.
Diploma / ITI in Electrical Engineer.
Desirable: offshore/onshore plant shutdown maintenance exposure and flexibility to handle electro-mechanical works.
Instrument Technician
Hands on knowledge in the field instrument installation, commissioning, repairs, maintenance, calibration of system and fully conversant with HART communication protocol.
Minimum 5-7 years of experience in the plant of maintenance.
Diploma/ITI in Electrical Engineer.
Desirable: offshore/onshore plant shutdown maintenance exposure and flexibility to handle electro-mechanical works.
Mechanical Technician
Hands on experience in overhauling rotating equipment like Manual Valves, Pumps, Motors etc.
Skilled to perform In-situ overhauling of mechanical equipment.
Experienced in shutdown work.
Minimum 4-6 years experience.
Diploma/ITI in Mechanical Engineering.
Valve Technician
Hands on experience in overhauling Safety Relief Valve / Pressure Relief Valve, Vacuum Valve, Control Valve.
Experienced to perform hot setting of boiler valve.
Skilled to perform In-situ overhauling of welded valve.
Factory certified technicians will be given preference.
Should be capable to perform refurbishment of Manual Valves.
Experienced in shutdown works.
Minimum 5 years experience.
Diploma/ITI in Mechanical Engineer.
Chemical Technician
Experience working in industrial chemical cleanings.
Perform air and steam blowing.
Chemical Engineer
Preparing the Engineering Design. Completing site visits to gather required information. Develop the procedure for the operations accordingly.
Completing the Operation, leading a working crew ensuring that the method statement is followed. Supervision of the job completion.
Contact with the client during the operation.
Following the QA QC directives for the operation. Chemical analysis, inspections.
Completing a report after the service is completed.
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta
Phone : 021 8001987 Fax : 021 8014020
E-mail :
Lowongan kerja
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12:30 AM
Rianti Cartwright Tak Punya Target Menikah
Sebagai pasangan kekasih, Rianti Cartwright - Cas Alfonso Nainggolan suka keluar berdua menikmati kebersamaan. Seperti saat nonton konser Pitbull di Tennis Indoor Senayan beberapa waktu lalu. Mereka terlihat mesra, bersama beberapa teman yang lain.
"Kita ramai-ramai ke sini, udah pesen tiket udah dari minggu lalu. Jadi masih harga yang sama," ujar Rianti. Sebenarnya Rianti tidak begitu gandrung dengan Pitbull.
"Nggak banget, bagus untuk buat semangat aja. Kita di festival. Musiknya asik, di antara ABG juga kita," lanjutnya. Meskipun begitu, Rianti memuji aksi panggung Pitbull. "Nggak pernah capek dia. Gila deh," terangnya.
Tentang hubungan mereka berdua menikmati masa pacaran dulu. "Sejauh ini baik-baik aja," ungkap Rianti. Merekapun tidak tidak ingin cepat naik ke pelaminan. "Nggak dateline kok," canda Rianti.
Apa menunggu tahun depan? "Kita liat aja nanti, yang pasti kalau memang kalau akan terjadi, pasti terjadi. Doain aja, belum ada rencana. Doakan aja kalau memang tahun depan. Kalau emang udah waktunya, yah amin," pungkas Rianti sambil berlalu.
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12:29 AM
Payday Advance - Way to Get Instant Cash Approval
Friday, May 14, 2010
When you get in a hard stain, due to some unexpected financial problems then it is clear that you will be searching for some extra cash in terms of loan. So if you are facing above-mentioned problems, then payday advance are perfect ways to look for. This facility is short term option which offer money for small needs. There are no restrictions on the use of the funds.
One can borrow small amount ranging from £100-£1500. The repayment term is short and has to be met within 14 to 31 days. Borrowers can match their repayment date with their salary day so that there will be no problem in repaying the amount. The money is provided at somewhat higher rates of interest because of their short term nature.
This financial service has some conditions for every applicant and i.e. you must be the citizen of the UK and your age should be more than 18 years. You should have the job with the basic monthly salary of £1000 and also an active checking account so that lender can transfer the money in your bank account.
Bad credit holders who are facing the situation like default, late payment, CCJs, or insolvency, etc. can go for this option. Lenders do not demand any kind of credit score from the borrowers. Unsecured nature of the loan is very pleasant condition for the borrowers who don’t have any property to pledge. Tenants and non homer owners can easily apply for this cash option without any hassle. Payday advance are available online as well as through the local lenders. However, applying from online way is easy and takes less time. Once you get the approval, money will be in your account within 24 hours.
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11:43 PM
The Nokia C5 Is A Super Functional New Mobile
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Due for release shortly, the Nokia C5 offers classic mobile phone styling, yet has a surprisingly extensive list of specifications. Whilst it may not feature a touch screen or QWERTY keyboard, it certainly gives many other handsets a run for their money in the versatility stakes.
The Nokia C5 measures 112x46x12.3mm and weighs in at just 89.3 grams. Its light weight and compact profile make it a comfortable phone to hold and use on the move. The 2.2 inch TFT screen can display up to 16M colours at a pixel resolution of 240x320. This makes for excellent display quality of the on screen content.
Users are alerted to incoming calls and text messages thanks to a combination of both vibration and ringing. MP3 music files can be assigned as ringtones, allowing users to hear a music track of their choice whenever the phone rings. In order to speak handsfree, a speakerphone (with stereo speakers for excellent sound quality) is provided alongside a3.5mm audio jack. This can be used for handsfree headsets as well as for earphones for listening to music tracks via the media player.
To stay connected to cellular networks when out and about, the Nokia C5 utilises class 32 versions of both GPRS & EDGE. HSDPA provides a fast internet connect at speeds of up to 10.2 Mega bytes per second in areas covered by 3G. This works alongside HSUPA at speeds of up to 2 Mega bytes per second. Bluetooth and micro USB connection offer a means for the C5 to be connected to other compatible devices such as phones and computers in order to carry out tasks such as sharing music files or backing up contact information.
The internal phonebook in the Nokia C5 is capable of storing a vast amount of different contacts, and utilises the popular photocall feature. This allows a photo to be assigned to each contact, and this is then displayed on screen every time that person calls. 50 MB of internal storage along with 128 MB RAM is available as standard with the Nokia C5. Should further storage be required, perhaps for storing a digital music collection, the micro SD slot can be utilised. This has a pre-installed 2 GB memory card, but this can be swapped for an upgrade card of up to 16 GB.
The Nokia C5 features a built in 3.15 MP digital camera which features an LED flash so quality pictures can still be taking in low lighting conditions. It also features the ability to shoot video as an alternative method of image capture. It also doubles up as a videocall camera, whereby both parties in a phone call can view live video streaming of each other, provided they have a compatible handset.
A versatile media player, stereo FM radio player and a range of pre-installed and downloadable games add to the entertainment features of the C5. Social networkers are also catered for thanks to dedicated applications allowing direct access to sites such as Facebook and MySpace.
Whilst its styling may be unassuming, the Nokia C5 packs a powerful punch, and looks set to be a popular phone for this reason.
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6:00 AM
The Sony Ericsson X10 Is A Technologically Advanced Handset
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
There has certainly been a lot of hype surrounding the Sony Ericsson the XPERIA X10. Released in March 2010, this is the manufacturer’s first Android handset, featuring version 1.6 of the renowned operating system. Boasting excellent all round functionality is controlled by a large 4 inch touch screen, this is a handset that ticks all the boxes.
The 4 inch TFT capacitive touchscreen displays up to 65K colours within a pixel layout of 480x854, offering great quality display of on screen imagery. The screen itself is manufactured from scratch-resistant materials protecting it from everyday wear and tear. An accelerometer sensor is built in to the handset which allows the onscreen content to be viewed in both portrait and landscape forms dependent upon the orientation of the phone.
1 GB of internal storage is provided as standard which can store a good number of files such as music tracks. An 8 GB memory card is included in the micro SD slot allowing further storage. On the rare occasions that user may require even more storage, this can be replaced with a memory card of up to 16 GB.
Vibration and ringing alert users to incoming calls and text messages along with the option to utilise MP3 files as ringtones or even take advantage of the composer to create custom ringtones from scratch. Both a speakerphone system and a 3.5 mm audio Jack offer no fuss handsfree communication.
The XPERIA X10 handset measures 119x 63x 13 mm. Its slimline profile and light weight of 135 g make it a pocket friendly handset which is also a pleasure to hold and use on the move. Its appearance is modern and uncluttered with just three tasteful silver buttons located beneath the touch screen. Available in both sensuous black and luster white, it is an aesthetically pleasing handset which is sure to appeal to style conscious users who also view their phone as a fashion statement.
One of the most impressive features on the XPERIA X10 is its eight mega pixel digital camera. With Autofocus and an LED flash (along with a number of other image enhancing features), the task of taking great quality pictures is made simple. As you may expect this camera can also shoot video and this is in WVGA quality at a rate of 30 frames per second so video footage is of similarly high quality to that of still images.
Dependent upon location and network coverage, optimum connectivity is achieved thanks to a number of different connectivity features which are utilised by the XPERIA X10. In order to connect to cellular networks, class 10 versions of both EDGE & GPRS are utilised. In areas covered by 3G, access to the Internet is provided thanks to an HSDPA connection at speeds of up to 7.2 mega bytes per second. A faster Internet connection can however, be attained thanks to Wi-Fi Technology. This senses the presence of wireless Internet routers and utilises their signals allowing users to surf the web at broadband speeds.
Boasting the Android operating system, exceptional digital camera and impressive everyday functionality, the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 offers a complete package and appeal for all manner of mobile phone users.
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4:47 AM
The Nokia N8 Is An Advanced Camera Phone
Nokia has recently announced an impressive new handset, the N8. With a wealth of exceptional features, this touch screen Smartphone looks sure to give certain competitors a run for their money.
The N8 measures 113.5x 59.1x 12.9 mm whilst weighing in at just 135 g. Its relatively slimline profile and light weight make this both a comfortable phone to hold and use and is also pocket friendly, ideal for those who spend their days on the move. It is certainly attractive handset, with its minimalistic styling, and the front dominated by the large touchscreen. The Nokia N8 is available in dark grey, silver white, green, blue and orange colour variants. Therefore it offers appeal to style conscious users who may view their phone as a fashion statement.
The Nokia N8 is equipped with an impressive digital camera boasting a whopping 12 mega pixels. This operates at a pixel resolution of 4000x 3000 pixels, providing an unparalleled level of detail and clarity within still images, higher than that of many expensive standalone digital cameras. It features Carl Zeiss optics, Autofocus, Xenon flash and face and smile detection, so it is never been easier to take photos of such a high quality. As you may expect the camera can also shoot video in 720p quality at a rate of and 25 frames per second, with a secondary recording in VGA quality.
The Nokia N8 provides internal storage of 16 GB as standard, allowing plenty of storage for data such as media files. If needed, the micro SD slot can be utilised by installing a memory card of up to 32 GB which should provide ample storage for the needs of most users. The internal phonebook can store a seemingly endless number of contacts and boasts the ever popular Photocall feature.
A number of different connectivity methods are utilised by the Nokia N8 to keep it connected to both cellular networks and the Internet. In areas with little or no 3G coverage, class 32 versions of both GPRS and EDGE provide the primary method of cellular network connectivity. Wi-Fi Technology is utilised whenever the handset senses the presence of a local wireless Internet router, so users can surf the web at broadband speeds. In areas covered by 3G, access to the Internet is provided by a HSDPA connection at speeds of up to 10.2 mega bytes per second (alongside HSUPA at 2 MB per second).
A generously proportioned 3.5 inch AMOLED capacitive touchscreen boasts the ability to display up to 16M colours within a pixel layout of 360x 640 pixels, providing excellent levels of detail and clarity within the on screen images.
A wealth of additional features is included as you expect. These range from a versatile media player, GPS with A-GPS support, digital compass and a document viewer. Therefore the Nokia N8 is equipped to cater to the needs of all manner of users.
With a number of features adding to the appeal of this handset, the one which stands out most is certainly the 12 mega pixel digital camera. This it is amongst the most advanced cameras available on a mobile phone today, and to Nokia appeared to have made a wise move in cornering this lucrative area of the market.
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4:44 AM
Brother DCP - 7020 – Another Solid 3 In 1 From Brother
Brother delivers a combination of style, performance, and usability once again with the Brother DCP-7020. Its sleek looks and compact size house a solid piece of hardware equipped with print, scan, and copy abilities, as well as convenient user friendly features and a comprehensive interface.
This reliable laser printer produces crisp, quality black and white documents at a rate of 20 ppm with a rich resolution of 2400 X 600 dpi, providing professional and clean looking work prints. The 250 sheet paper capacity and 16 mb built in memory will keep you printing large quantities with very low maintenance, but you’ll be hard pressed to push this workhorse to the limit; it has a maximum monthly duty cycle of up to 10,000 pages. The toner cartridge and drum unit are designed with simplicity in mind, allowing for easy swaps and giving you more time for important projects, and less time fiddling with refills.
The unit comes equipped with parallel and USB ports for interfacing with either PC or Mac, and includes both the Scansoft PaperPort® SE with OCR for Windows® and Presto!® PageManager® for Mac® softwares. So, no matter which format your office prefers, the DCP-7010 can deliver or, if you prefer, the copy features of the machine are all included in a comprehensive interface built in to the machine, and can be used independently of an external computer. Need to resize? The scaling feature can skew copies at a reduction/enlargement rate of 25% up to 400% in increments of 1%, all without any data passing through a PC.
The 35 page automatic document feeder capacity can pump out 20 copies a minute on its own and, with stand alone copying and a sorting function, the DCP-7020 does work for you that lesser three in one units can’t compete with, and at a price that makes the Brother more appealing than other brands.
If you prefer to upload your information straight to a computer, this Brother offers scanning ability at a maximum interpolated scan resolution of up to 9600 dpi and an optical scan resolution of 600 x 2400 dpi, with a standard input color scan bit depth of 24 bit, and can upload straight to PDF format, or to your e mail with the push of a button, so you can even transmit data from hard copy to someone else’s computer with minimal effort.
As a three in one unit, the Brother DCP-7020 does it all, and is priced considerably more reasonably than its competitors. A cool looking flatbed copy hardware design, and the reliability and ease of use that comes with a Brother product, make this a sensible buy for home offices of any size or the small to medium sized business. This energy star equipped appliance comes standard with a one year warranty, but with the reputation of Brother backing it, it is doubtful you will get any fussiness from this unit. It is built to perform, and priced to own regardless of if your needs demand high quality single copies, or stacks of memos. The DCP-7020 will not disappoint.
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4:25 AM
10 Mall Terbesar Didunia
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
1. South China Mall
Lokasi: Dongguan, Cina
Tahun Dibuka: 2005
Bruto Leasable Area: 7,1 juta kaki persegi
dibuka setahun setelah Golden Resources Mall
2. Golden Resources Shopping Mall
Lokasi: Beijing, Cina
Tahun Dibuka: 2004
Bruto Leasable Area: 6 juta kaki persegi
Sekitar 1.000 toko, banyak penjualan global merek terkenal seperti Nike dan DKNY.bener-bener proyek real estate yang ambisius, dengan kantor-kantor dan apartemen baru, mall surround.lokasi di luar jantung kota telah menyebabkan lalu lintas yang mengecewakan wisatawan asing.
3. SM Mall of Asia
Lokasi:pasay city, philipina
Tahun Dibuka: 2006
Bruto Leasable Area: 4.2 juta kaki persegi
Termasuk Olympic-sized swimming pool pertama dan teater IMAX pertama di Filipina.
Tersebar di empat bangunan.
4. West Edmonton Mall
Lokasi: Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada
Tahun Dibuka: 1981
Bruto Leasable Area: 3,8 juta kaki persegi
Terbesar di Amerika Utara, West Edmonton Mall memiliki lebih dari 800 toko, bersama dengan atraksi air seperti taman, lapangan es, kasino dan rides.
5. SM Megamall
Lokasi: Mandaluyong City, Filipina
Tahun Dibuka: 1991
Bruto Leasable Area: 3,6 juta kaki persegi
Hal-hal baru termasuk bowling, es Skating dan 12 bioskop-bioskop. Pelanggan juga dapat memotong rambut atau dokter di klinik Manila.
6. Berjaya Time Square
Lokasi: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tahun Dibuka: 2005
Bruto Leasable Area: 3,4 juta kaki persegi
Dibangun di sekitar hotel dan pusat konvensi. Selain lebih dari 1000 toko ritel, mal termasuk 12 stroy high roller coaster, ditambah kolam renang, lapangan es dan 'Cosmo's World,' taman bermain anak-anak.
7. Beijing Mall
Lokasi: Beijing, Cina
Tahun Dibuka: 2005
Bruto Leasable Area: 3,4 juta kaki persegi
mal di pinggiran kota Cina, yang terletak kira-kira satu jam dari pusat kota Beijing, pusat ini memiliki empat lantai dengan parkir untuk 8000 kendaraan, ditambah dengan pantai buatan.
8. Zhengjia Plaza
Lokasi: Guangzhou, Cina
Tahun Dibuka: 2005
Bruto Leasable Area: 3 juta kaki persegi
Telah dikenal sebagai mall yang mampu menarik lebih dari setengah juta pembeli pada hari hari tertentu. mal ini memiliki hotel dan kantor menara di samping toko retail.
9. SM City North Edsa
Lokasi: Quezon City, Filipina
Tahun Dibuka: 1985
Bruto Leasable Area: 3 juta kaki persegi
dibangun oleh Perdana SM Holdings, yang sekarang klaim tiga dari 10 terbesar di dunia. Hanya lima lantai yang kompleks yang membanggakan lebih dari 100 gerai ritel dan restoran, bersama dengan 12 bioskop, boling dan sebuah lapangan es. Sebuah teater IMAX akan ditambahkan segera.
10. King of Prussia Mall
Lokasi: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat
Tahun Dibuka: 1962
Bruto Leasable Area: 2,8 juta kaki persegi
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3:35 AM
Tips Melindungi Mata di Depan Komputer
Monday, May 10, 2010
Bagi Anda yang mungkin sama seperti Saya, menghabiskan waktu ber jam-jam di depan komputer setiap harinya Anda perlu ingat untuk menjaga penglihatan Anda. sedikit tips saya untuk melindungi mata dari kerusakan saat berkomputer.
- jika Anda menggunakan komputer CRT / tabung. refresh rate yang rendah dapat membahayakan mata Anda. Gunakanlah refresh rate 75hz atau lebih, agar mata anda tidak rusak juga agar tidak cepat lelah.
klik kanan pada dekstop>pilih properties>pada tab setting klik tombol Advanced
Pada tab monitor, tepatnya pada seksi Monitor setting ubah refresh rate monitor Anda menjadi 75 hz atau lebih (saya sendiri menggunakan 85hz). namun tidak semua monitor mendukunya. beri tanda centang pada 'hide modes...' agar refresh rate yang tidak di dukung monitor Anda tidak di tampilkan. jika sudah tekan ok. apabila setelah menekan tombol ok tampilan monitor Anda menjadi hilang artinya refresh rate yang Anda pilih tidak di dukung oleh monitor Anda. lansung saja tekan tombol escape/[Esc] agar setting barusan di batalkan.
- jangan lupa mengistirahatkan mata Anda dalam interval waktu tertentu. yang terbaik adalah melakukannya dengan singkat tapi sering. setiap 20 menit istirahatkan mata Anda dengan memandangi benda yang letaknya jauh (3-5 meter cukup) selama 20 detik.
-tips selanjutnya adalah tips standar yaitu:
~jarak antara mata dan monitor minimal 40 cm
~gunakan pencahayan yang cukup dan tidak redup
~posisi mata dan monitor berhadapan lurus
~seperti yang dikatakan sebuah iklan tetas mata, memandangi monitor atau televisi mengurangi frekuensi kedipan mata yang dapat menyebabkan mata menjadi kering, jadi coba untuk mengingatkan diri Anda untuk mengedipkan mata atau gunakan tetes mata.
Tips N Trick
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6:52 AM
Investment Tip: Invest in What You Know
All sorts of people have all sorts of advice how to make money. Some of it is good, and some of it is bad.
How do you sort out the difference?
No One Right Answer, but…
Obviously, having experience will help you sift through the bad opportunities to find the good ones, but even seasoned pros make mistakes. Just take a look at how many people that are old enough that they should be retiring, but they cannot.
There are several things that you can do, but one of the biggest things is to stick to investing in areas that you know.
Often, it’s tempting to jump into other waters. You hear many people talk about the next newest “hot thing.” They make it seem so exciting, and it is—until they lose their shirt.
I’m not saying that everyone will lose their shirt, but often more people will than will not.
Check out the dot com stocks of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. They were trading for absurd amounts. The problem was that the prices kept getting even higher. Was there no end? If I don’t get it now, I’ll miss my chance.
That’s right! You’ll miss your chance—to lose BIG TIME. By the time YOU are hearing about it, everyone else has, too.
When you know your area, you generally know well before anything gets reported. This makes sense, because it is YOUR expertise. It is a lot harder for you to overlook something when you’re fluent in it.
Let’s tie this into Real Estate
There are many awesome opportunities for great investment deals on Detroit properties. However, there are a lot of areas that offer more trouble than it’s worth. Unless you know the area, how can you know?
In fact, there are a lot of investors in different parts of the country and outside of it. Many of these investors see the numbers and become enamored with making great passive investment opportunities. They should, because there are a lot of great chances here.
However, if you do not know the area, you can make a bad mistake really quickly. You buy a property that really is burnt to the ground or it should be. Perhaps, you buy a beautiful looking home in an area that nobody wants to live.
If you don’t know an area, you need to find someone who does and is willing to help you. Then you can make a more educated decision, and that is your BEST protection against making a bad investment.
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3:32 AM
How to Get Your First Home Loan with Poor Credit
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Buying a home for the first time can be exciting, but if you have poor credit, it can also be a challenge. One of the main factors that a mortgage lender considers when approving or denying an applicant for a loan is credit history. The good news is that if you have poor credit, there are subprime lenders that are willing to loan money to first-time home buyers with poor credit.
Find a subprime lender for a poor-credit loan.
Credit: alaska home image by Silke Wolff from
Step 1
Find a subprime lender. A subprime lender is a lender that offers loans to those who do not have good credit. These are not your traditional banks and lenders so the fastest and easiest way to find a subprime lender is to contact a mortgage broker or search your local phone for mortgage lenders that specialize in subprime loans.
Step 2
Submit a mortgage application. Once you find a subprime lender, the next step is to apply for the mortgage. Even if you do not have a property chosen yet, you can submit a mortgage application and the subprime lender will approve you or deny you based on your personal financial information.
Step 3
Submit supporting documentation. You'll need to submit copies of your last two year's tax returns, the last two month's paycheck stubs and copies of the last two month's bank and brokerage account statements. These documents along with the information you supply on the mortgage application are used by the lender to qualify you for the mortgage.
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2:46 AM
How to Learn Real Estate Law
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Real estate law involves dealing with both commercial and residential property, finalizing transactions and finding potential issues, looking into property regulations and boundaries. You can learn real estate law on your own.
Step 1
Research online law libraries. They provide a wealth of information, explaining the facets of law and providing further reading resources for you to look into.
Step 2
Take note of further resources that directly apply to the category of real estate law you’re looking into. If you are researching landlord-tenant law, for example, take note of all the resources you find on that subject. Studying all the information you can find will prove to be advantageous when you apply it in a real-life situation.
Step 3
Visit your state’s real estate commission. You’ll gain knowledge about real estate laws, regulations and requirements for licensing.
Step 4
Consider taking advantage of free real estate advice online. You can not only read online articles that keep you up-to-date on all of today’s real estate information, you can ask questions regarding home selling and buying to get answers from real estate professionals in online forums and on blogs kept by real estate professionals. Select your location and find professionals and stores of information close to you.
Step 5
Look into online universities with courses in real estate law. Courses might cover real estate contracts, closing property transactions and learning how to read a survey. You’ll be able to study from the comfort of home. There will more than likely be a small fee for each course you take.
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5:48 AM